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Watch "SHIPPUDEN 1" on Streamable.


Michael Royal


Michael Royal

when you did that wiered voice mimicking the fox.. pls never do taht again it scared me ahha


I don't know who that person is, am I supposed to care? I remember seeing this in 2007 as a teenager and 14 years later Sasuke is still cool as hell in that scene. People who had to watch all Naruto filler before Shippuden released hadn't seen Sasuke for years and Shippuden gave us the coolest reintroduction ever.

Vaidas Šukauskas

These are just cruelly short. And for the next 200 episodes it gets better and better.




Glad we're finally here. I can't answer your questions at the end without spoiling so I'll say up to this point Kakashi is my favourite. Overall I'd give the series an 8/10, but I also can't say why. I'm glad we finally reached shippuden as this first arc is already right out of the gate bat shit crazy.


My mouth hurts from smiling for the past twenty minutes


Haha I just started watching shippuden and I’m very excited! And I know you will be too! Love the videos


Be careful with the fillers in shippuden. Some fillers are essential for canon and even mandatory , some of them are backstories of important character , and if you miss on it your reaction will be ruined because you wont understand certain event/reveal in relation to a character . Be very sure about what the fillers is about before you skip it or just ask the community . Just a friendly suggestion and im sure fans who will read this will agree. Keep up the good work bro !


I agree! Noriaki Sugiyama (Sasuke's VA) is SO good!! Throughout the series he will deliver some lines incredibly! Super hyped for these reactions!!


Definitely appreciate this heads up! Will definitely have to rely on the community for heads up if those moments get near! ☺️


10/10 Naruto favorite character




I actually think OG Naruto overall has better animation than Shippuuden. Shippuuden has better fights but some fights take a bit of a cut with the animation and I think the pacing in OG Naruto is better but the storyline is better in Shippuuden. Obviously it's heavier and there's more going on because the characters are older and more established but I probably only like Shippuuden slightly more. Just the emotional moments and the improvements, the new characters, all amazing.


So hype for you to watch shippuden man! I would absolutely give this show a 9/10 at least, it’s so amazing!


Yeah! So jealous you can just watch through it all. I was watching it weekly. Took me like 4 years to see shippuden XD kinda love/hate waiting. Builds up the hype :D


The first 200 or so episodes of Shippuden are pretty great to me and there's definitely some really high points after that but as a whole the writing kinda falls off the deep end after a certain point (both with new stuff and the issues that have really been there all along). Still enjoyable though with some really special moments that had a huge impact on me personally, there are just a lot of decisions that I think could've/should've been made character and story wise that would've truly made it a masterpiece. Nevertheless super excited to see what you think of it!!

Azula Seven

You gotta remember that name madara uchiha 😏

Vaidas Šukauskas

I think your perspective is a bit off. But first, 200 first canon or first 200 filler included? Because filler is a lot more stacked towards the end. After ep. 222, there's 278 ep. left, however, only 140 is canon. If you exlude some others, for which I will not mention reasons, because spoilers, you are in practice in the last third. And like you said, even that last third has many high points. So we are talking about 20-30 lower quality episodes out of 300 canon? For me there's a stretch of maybe 20-30 episodes when story is shifting gears that doesn't hold up. But the rest are high quality all the way to the end.


a lot of great foreshadowing in this ep. great to make it more interesting and not as spoily

Shanks solos

Naruto is so cool in Shippuden. He's definitely my favorite character. Just you wait.