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Watch "ONE PIECE 17" on Streamable.



One thing you should know about Luffy he will NEVER kill any opponet he faces, Luffy belives that it is a much worst fate for his enemies to have to live with the consequences of their losts & that crippling feeling of deafet. for this reason he will never kill Oda himself has said this before. Here's the actual quote"Why doesn't Luffy kill his enemies? Because in that era, everyone uses their lives to fight for their dreams. For an enemy, when their dream has been shattered, it is the same as losing a fight, and as painful as death."


Great, now I know in the next 900+ episodes that he's not going to kill any of his enemies...


I think I'm among one of the few people who liked this story arc. This is not the arc that most people really end up getting addicted to watching the show. That one will be upon you sooner than you think, but it'll be good for you to find which one it is for yourself. If this arc left this kind of impression on you, then prepare to have your expectations blown out of the water, again and again.

Kai Kage

why are some peoples iq less than 100


I'm one of the people who like pretty much every arc(Even the DBF) but the one I like the least is MF, I'm just not a big fan of arcs like that I prefer Arcs more like Skypiea, FMI, & TB personally.


I honestly just caught up and I didn’t remember these arcs being any good but rewatching them they actually are.