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Watch "NARUTO OP 1-9" on Streamable.



Definitely do the endings as well. For me personally it is really hard to single out a favorite. I'd say #2 and #3 give me a hard throwback to Naruto. But other than that, I love #9 and #7 just as much. Also, in opening 2, those were Orochimaru's eyes, not Itachi's. Not that it matters though :D

Bryce Andrew Oquist

So as someone who has seen all the filler I’d suggest episodes 148 to 158 195 to 196 and 137 to 141

Mr Rys

yeah as you said, the filler OPs didn't suggest that anything was happening, just random fighting sequences, because there wasn't any filler arc per se only short filler stories, 1 to 6 at most episodes long... if it was good for anything then I would say to get closer to the side characters that weren't used as much in the main story, like TenTen, Shino or Hinata, but the story lines weren't usually very good


Cool thing about OP5 is that it would change as the story progressed. They'd add in small details like Shikamaru getting his Chunin jacket, Orochimaru now appearing in his new body, and adding characters like Kimimaro, Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro after they arrived in the story. OP5 is definitely my favorite!


Just for your information , the '' comas'' in the sharingan ( in naruto the japanese name is ''Tomoe'' ) shows the developpement of the sharingan . When an Uchiha awakens his sharingan there is 1 tomoe in each eye and it goes up to 3 as you saw. The next stage is the mangekyo sharingan , that you unlock by killing your best friend as itachi said


The last 2 are by far my favourite OG Naruto openings. The last song and the silhouettes of Naruto doing genuine martial arts is just so sick. The one that makes me remember OG Naruto the most though is "Fighting Dreamers". It's such a classic. The massive chunk of fillers were just a bunch of different missions with a lot of the side characters. I liked them a lot because the characters you dont really get a chance to see much (ie. Ino, Kiba, Tenten etc.) all had moments where you got to know them better and know their abilities better while also seeing them all interact and bond as friends. I feel like I honestly would care about those characters less had I not watched them. There are some great fillers in that chunk of episodes.


An ending reaction would be cool, at least Ending 1.


The fillers that you did't watch is mostly the stories that Naruto doing the job with the other groups and that may be the reason every characters are involved in the OPs. Ending pls🥲


At 4:13 it's Orochimaru's eyes looking down on Sasuke

Loic Coute-penhard

3,2,4,1 are definetely my favorites, bring so much nostalgia, the 1st ending aswell

Fine Kat

I did watch all the fillers, bc I'm cray like that XD and none of them were really anything. Only interesting one really is the last filler arc with Gaara. But it wasn't anything really important, just a bit of character development


I have to say that Fighting Dreamers is the one that stands out to me the most, it’s so upbeat and I like how it showcases the characters.


I watched everything ep of naruto/Naruto shippuden when I was in middle school back in 2007-2010 at that point it was at the pain arc and the op that gets me the most nostalgia would have to be op 2,3, 5 and op 9


I would suggest watching filler eps on your own time since those eps are what give the side characters more shine and back story. there is one filler arc in shippuden i dont want you to skip and its called the Chikara/Power arc its like a movie


Pls do the same thing after Shippuden !!! :D