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Watch "NARUTO 100" on Streamable.



Really hope 101 makes it 🙏


And not only does Guy show Lee that he supports him and gives him some kind words and encouragement, but he professed to die with him if Lee's surgery isn't successful. Because Guy's Way of the Ninja is to throw his entire being into training Lee and he told Lee that neither of them could survive if they lose their Way of the Ninja. That is so deep in terms of his devotion to his pupil.


one thing i did'nt like about lee. Before he was trained by guy his taijutsu sucked, he has no nin or genjutsu but he passed the academy. naruto can do all 3 even if his clones suck but still failed. seems kinda crappy :3


That’s a good point 🤔 I think Naruto failed the final test only, not the academy year or anything. Lee probably got a pass from the hokage like Guy before him.


"Nice crotch shot...... I guess." made me laugh, not gonna lie