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Mikkel Jensen

Sasuke was able to walk away from that cause Haku was always too kind just like Zabuza said - Haku never intended to kill Naruto nor Sasuke and he never hit any vital spots. Hope that kinda clarified your question :) as always, absolutely fantastic video mate! im truly happy youre enjoying this show so much

Anime Wulf

This is definitely one of the great arcs in Naruto, and one that's referenced a lot moving forward in the show. But compared to the upcoming arcs, I personally wouldn't say this is even close to the peak of whats in store for next few arcs, or even farther out for any of the arcs in shippuden. Every arc in shippuden is fantastically laid out as some of the greatest content in anime. The thing thats noticed by me the most, and probably something you might passively observe is just how much standing around they do in this arc. They took a very dragon ball z approach to these first episodes, probably to lay the ground work for things like kekkei genkai, and kakashi's lightning blade skill. But moving forward you definitely see a lot less standing around and a hell ton more fighting with awesome jutsu.


I'm generally quite emotional in anime but with Naruto I cried so much that I thought I was watching a drama anime, but that's what's great about Naruto, the series deals with a lot of social issues and integrates them perfectly into the story of Naruto. A lot of people often say, "your favorite Anime is Naruto? Well that means you have seen 10 at most...“ I can only smile and shake my head at such people, Naruto has been a masterpiece since episode 1 until the end.


Remember what Haku did to Zabuza during the first encounter, where he put him in a death like state? Think the same thing for what happened with Sasuke.


This arc is easily the peak of the series, not to knock the rest of it too much. The animation is good where it needs to be, the villains reflect failings of the main trio in understanding both the gap in power and the true nature of the world they live in, while the arcs the villains go through show the audience that even evil people aren't too far gone in the series. Gato's relationship to Zabuza and to the town paint a complicate picture of the world. Team 7 and the audience are terrified of Zabuza, but the town is barely aware of him and are terrified of Gato, who is never portrayed as a real threat to the main cast, but controls Zabuza at least temporarily purely though economic reality. Even the townsfolk, who could easily just have been portrayed as one dimensional cowards, were shown as being entirely reasonable given the circumstances they live in. Until Team 7 show up, fighting back would've resulted in them being beaten down or murdered. But even knowing this, once they realise one of their children is in danger, they rush to the front line. Also, now that you're this deep into Naruto, you might start realising how much inspiration Horikoshi drew from it. Kota, the kid that the Wild Wild Pussycats take care of, is lifted almost directly from Inari, and you'll start to see even more similarities/contrasts between Bakugou and Sasuke from here on out.


This arc was amazing but it just keeps getting better


Fun fact, the Great Naruto Bridge is a real bridge in Japan completed in 1985.