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Next version of TS2 is out and can be downloaded from my webpage


This version includes two new characters: Ruby - Luna's mother and a professional masseuse and a school principal Ms. Mullins. Ruby is pretty liberal and open minded so if you manage to convince her to take you as her client, it will be pretty easy to seduce her. You will meet her only after you progress with Luna. Luna will first talk to you about her issues once you gain access to lab's FTP and submit report from your home.

Ms Mullins will ignore you, unless you are very late for classes and are sent to her for punishment. It  turns out, she kind of like to punish misbehaving students. For special cases, she even have a fully furbished basement at her home.

Pregnancy for Amanda, Lila and Taylor was added. Once you reach a final progress level with them, you can discuss contraception. Pregnancy will also change their behavior and unlock more scenes. For example, Amanda will no longer do yoga, but will rest on her sofa instead. Lila's pregnancy is unlockable with level 2 premium code, others are free.  

For more info, check out the change log. I'm also updating/creating wiki pages of each game characters in a next few days, so there will be even more info there.




Uthan The Perverse

Could you add some asian characters in the game? Japanese perhaps?


Thats not a bad idea. Even though I have never modeled such face, so I don't know if I can do it

Nathan Craige

i would like to ask about jake scenario story, is there no more story after i saved ash from prison cause i cant manage to progress anymore


Yes, that is the end of the story. That game was basically discontinued, because it has no clear direction and it used old formats (models and animations), that I no longer use.

Princess Celestia

Where is save files locating? I don't want start new game again.


It's different for each game and scenario. It is "velesk games/gamedir/scen00x/saves"