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Back from the holiday and as promised, I have just uploaded a first version of TS2. Download links are at my webpage, as usual.


Even though this is a "demo" version, it already has a lot of content. Mostly for Amanda, which has complete seduction quest. But also Taylor, Noelle and Rita have partial seduction lines implemented. There is also some more scenes at the red light district. Altogether, the game has around unlockable 40 scenes in gallery. As usual, the game is free. There is some premium content for Rita and cheat codes. I'm also working on a wiki page, but it is not yet done. I will post it here when the work on it progresses. 

From now on, both TS2 and WOL will get regular monthly updates. I hope you will like the game and let me know if you have any thoughts and ideas about it. 




How do I get the premium code?

Jack Edwards

Very cool start. Luna looks great, I was looking forward to seeing her again and I'm glad she didn't get cut. I also noticed Zara in the back of the class, that is a design you really, really like and I'm sure there's a story there, a version of her has appeared in nearly every game of yours that I've played. Not sure how I feel about the energy system yet, I'm hoping we get a skill or equipment to slow its drain eventually.


There is a system there already, even though it is not very well described. There is a skill "Stamina Integration" that will help you recover energy with higher stamina. At 100 stamina, your energy drain during day is halved. With it and energy drinks, you never run out of energy and you barely need to sleep.