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I have just finished the next version of Ludus Master. It can be downloaded from my webpage


Pregnancy has been added for Cornelia, Aemilia and servants. It is only visual and has no impact on game play. If it is not your thing, you can disable it in the launcher. Aemila got a bunch of new content. You can now sent her to the city, where she will visit various places. You will get a notification about where she is so you can check on her if you want and initiate various scenes.

There is now an option of personal presentation at the end of training. If you decide to to it, you can highlight various skills of the you trained servant and you will get minor monetary bonus for it. Personal presentation is a premium content and it requires level 2 premium code. More details about new content in a change log.


As mentioned before, I would like to publish also an update for WOL this month. Info about it will be coming soon.




Personal presentation seem bugged. It just sets your currency to the base-sale price (and doesn't take the modifier into account at all either). Attempt to illustrate it: Wallet: 300 Servant slave: 485 (so servant value is 185) Sell with presentation (+2 bonus): wallet = 185. Sell with presentation (+5 bonus): Wallet = 185. Tried with 3 different servants (of different jobs), each had the same result (with different base-values showing different result, obviously, but always the base value).


Hmm, I see what you mean. I will check it out. Thanks for reporting.