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Patreon has introduced an option for new billing system (called "Subscription billing") and I have switched it on, as it seems to be more fair for new patrons. Before, new patrons were billed at the moment of subscription and than again each 1st of the month. This was kind of strange, as for example, when patron subscribed at 25th day of a month, he was billed at that moment and than again 5-6 days later at 1st. 

With the new billing system, new monthly patrons will be billed at the day of subscription and subsequently each month at the same day. So you you subscribe at 25th day of the month, you will be billed each month at 25th, not at 1st day. This seems to me to be more fair system than before and that is why I switched.

This change is relevant only for new patrons. For already subscribed people, nothing will change (billing will stay at 1st day each month). 


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