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In this month's WOL update, there will be a new pregnancy quest for Luthien. It will be a short, simple quest, but quite funny, so something to check out. You will be also able to procure a new, decorative armor for your squire Lyria. Admittedly, it is a little bit more revealing than her old armor, but it is lighter and more suitable for her fight style.

I have also identified a bug, that prevented some back compatibility for saves from older version, mainly when some characters switched places and/or caused crashes. So old saves will be more safer to use.




I'm always down for more pregnancy content - and I'm also glad you will bring back Sylvia's "random" content, I liked the mechanic of her "wandering" around the castle and doing whatever with the other girls.


Great addition to the game, another fun quest worth checking out)...well, great job!


Nice, Luthien joins the preggo club and a Paladin like armor for Lyria (decorative or not, it's like a upgrade for her). Sounds great, cant wait to see it in game!