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Next version of Life of Holly will see a lot of new content for Charlotte. In Jake's scenario, Charlotte was a token character up to now, and I want to change this. First of all, she will get a new model based on Sabina from LM (in the image - old model and new model in two clothes sets). She will also get an unique seduction story line with a lot of new situations and scenes. Basically, you will be able to seduce her even before having the appropriate pass, but it will take a lot of time. However, it will be worth it, as there will be a lot of new, sexy scenarios, you will find yourselves in. Charlotte will also get new clothes, sexy body, better textures, etc.

Besides LOH, there will be also a new content for WOL. I have something really fun planned this month, but more about it later.




I'm glad that you decided to slightly change the significance of Charlotte's role in the game, it's really cool that she will have new content!