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Next update is coming soon, in about a week from now. As mentioned before, the main focus will be at queen Augusta, but there will be new scenes for Diana, Luthien, Marin and Moriana too. 

Another new feature are improved physics in animations. "Jiggling"mechanics will be improved for body parts like breasts, legs or head. There will be more of them and a random factor will be included so they will look more natural. Sex animation will also behave more "randomized" so they will look less robotic. This change will apply mainly for new animations (made from this version forward), but some small changes will be also applied to all current animations in the game, providing better visual experience.



Uthan The Perverse

Great, so i guess we won't have to animate the jiggle physics manually in the animations right? Also, would existing animations be affected somehow?


It has to be added manually to each animation, but it is much simpler process than before and it is also somewhat randomized (each cycle, the jiggle is little different).