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Next version of WOL is out and can be downloaded from my webpage:


This update contains a new, extensive quest, where you have to infiltrate the Order's seminary school and impregnate all students there. There is a lot of new content - each student have several unique scenes and each one requires different approach. You will also provide lectures for students, personal consultations and even punish disobedient students. I have included a save, where you can start the new quest right away.

There has also be some debugging done. The bug, where you could not initiate scene with defeated enemy is now corrected. Saves from previous version should be compatible, but at the moment, this is a coin flip. I have reports that sometimes, they cause problems and I will need more time to identify the problem.

More info in the change log:




Hoff Man

Have any more plans of pregnancy for the females we have already met like Hesy or the squire for example?


Fast clicking on buyables in the shop in the town continues to crash the app.


There will be more pregnancies for existing character. I'm not yet sure for which one. I usually like to connect pregnancy with some story or character development arch and I will have to figure some out


Sometimes when u get new item in iventory and open the inventory afterwards it crashes the game. Second is when in combat and u use the A to seduce the female oponent and have sex with her the sex animation doesnt start your character just walks off and the female partner is just humping air and that is for like 3-5 seconds depends on the sex scene and the scene ends. Yeah it applies the mana regend from the sex but it s kinda broken it seems.


Thanks for reporting. Does the crash happens for a specific item (if yes, which one?) or it happens for several different items?


Mostly for firstly obtaned item. Happened when obtaned the ring for transmutation twice then the magic dick twice each of different location then magic potions quite some times like 5ish mostly in dungeons when tryin to use one. Mostly it seems when u obtain the item and instantly open the inventory. But when opening the save after the item was obtained it runs okay. Maybe Im too fast to try to use the items. It hasnt like specific pattern or anythin cos the time and locations are random so dont know specificaly. The version 1.6 removed the broken battle sex animations I wrote before so now it works okay but for reason the item that has to regain mana from sex in dungeons even when equiped doesnt regain mana in 1.6 anymore. Worked without problem in 1.5.