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In a next version of WOL, there will be several characters who will be able to get pregnant (Ella is one of them). Pregnancy will work just like in LOH - it will not be time based, but rather it will progress with each scene. You will be also able to disable it, if it is not your thing. What will be different is that pregnancy will be not only visual, but it will change the behavior of NPCs and it will unlock new scenes. As usual, next update is planned by the end of this month.




Most of your games have a pregnancy feature so I guess most of your players are ok with that. But, considering it as a disabling option makes you a true dev that cares about all kind of players. Love that way of thinking ! I myself am into pregnancy features but thank you for taking care of us as players and not some sort of living wallets.


Pregnancy finally coming to WoL. I'm stoked!!! I've been hoping and waiting for this. Love your games enough to start my own inspired by your work. We need a sequel to totalseduction! Seriously. WoL is great but I hope you consider a sequel to TS in the future.


that is great

Hoff Man

I would consider LOH - Jake scenario a good successor to TD, although its a new story its got a good story going for it. Also the Random Npcs was a great feature that isn't in Total Seduction.


Wait disable the progression or just pregancy because maybe I want them to stay preggers for a while for "science" yeah that is it. As long as we get some fun scenese with them. Not saying I want them preggers at all times but I may want to waste some extra days with them carring my baby :P


If you "disable" the pregnancy, it has only visual effect - all quests and scenes will remain, the only difference is that you will not see their large, pregnant belies. You will be able to disable or enable pregnancies anytime you want.


are you planning on getting on steam to advertise your games people will buy them


and are you planning on getting on discord


I'm seriously thinking about it. I did not get on it before because I don't have much free time left for it. But maybe when there will be less busy times, i will make on.


Maybe, when games are more developed. Also, I'm not a big fan of selling games. I like this model more, where the game is practically free and people are supporting it willingly (or for small perks).

Hoff Man

several means 3 or more but I only see 2