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I'm quite curious which of the games I'm currently working on is the most popular and which one is the least popular. Thus, I'm creating this poll where you can cast a vote to a game you like the most. Please also consider, which game concept you prefer, not only which game has currently the most content. The poll result will show me where I should put most effort in the future. Thanks.


Uthan The Perverse

I enjoy all of them but I'll add some comments to elaborate: I think WoL has the most interesting story and characters which I think is what keeps me hooked. I also like both LoH games but I kinda find the sandbox nature of playing as Holly to be not so interesting. I wish of the Holly scenario had some actual objective like trying to get rich or famous or something like that and have quests associated with it similar to the Jake storyline. As for the Jake scenario, I used to not find it very interesting in the beginning but after the introduction of the metahumans arc of the story I am beginning to find it more interesting. As such I don't really care that much for Ludus Master, I just don't think it's for me.


May be the LOH - play as Holly part could let Jake to modified girl he already with? butt implant, waist liposuction, nose ring, navel ring, tattoo...etc might be really interesting. piercing the septum was a ritual that had a strong symbolic meaning. Boys in the Asmat tribe of New Guinea got a septum ring before their first headhunting raid. That ritual signified their adulthood and labeled them as mature men. In other tribes, a nose ring was the jewelry that the future bride brought as a dowry. The bride’s father pierced her nose to show his wealth. It was also a symbol of courage, fertility, and intelligence. Of course in LOH we could mind controlled women to do so with magic could be also make sense and great.


Ludus Master is what I'm most interested in with WoL's corruption dungeon keeping that game next in line. Currently waiting for LoH/J to get more animations+character interactions before I get into that.

Kevin Daley

For me it’s your original game and warlock of lust. Love open world games where I can do whatever I want whenever, but I also need a story. Without it I lose interest in the game within a few minutes to hours.