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The testing went really well this time, so I have manage to finish the game sooner than expected. It is out now, ready to be downloaded from my webpage.

As mentioned before, the main new thing are random encounters. In this version, each time you travel, there is around 30% change that you encounter either farm or tavern. At the tavern, you can also buy mead, which is needed to unlock scenes at the farm, so you can ignore farm before you have it. Moon elf ambush occur only once, when you have moon rose in your inventory

You can now also assume manual control of some scenes. It works only on scenes with x-ray vision (must be enabled) and not on all of them. If you move your mouse to the x-ray window and the animations stops, you can manually control it by moving your mouse right-left.

This version has major memory optimization. It now consume 35% less memory than previously, which should eliminate out of memory errors.

Several visual improvements implemented. I'm experimenting with ground shadows, most static objects now have them. Also ground model structure was reworked. All reported bugs from previous version fixed.

More info at the change log:





In the new version. When I got the Moon Rose and the ambush happened and I won the fight(Killed all the Moon Elves) I returned back to my castle but the Centaurs didnt depspawned and follow me all around and the frame rate dropin to 1fps and ram went over the roof to max cpu usage until I get to new location and after like 10s in new location it happens all over. Is there way to despawn the centaurs? The main problem is that the game is like milion times slowed so the walk speed is like zero or close to zero so it s like milion time slowmo until I got to new location which is really annoyin. Resummonin doesnt help either. Mostly the centaurs get stuck in frame of doors or somethin and it causes the infinite door stuck loop for 2-3 centaurs which dropin fps and ram goin over the top.


Thanks for reporting. I will look into it and make corrections


Bit quite. How is it going? How was your Xmas and New Years?


Thanks, pretty good given the circumstances. I was also offline more, so some work has stacked up :)