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So first of all, it is now a second day the Patreon messager is not working and I cannot send any premium codes.  Unfortunately, this means that any new subscriber must wait till it is back on and I have no idea how long would it take.

The update for next WOL is going well. Random encounters are implemented and under testing. For those who are afraid that they would disrupt the game - don't worry. Most of them can be skipped and you will be even able to turn off specific encounter completely. I have already implemented the farm encounter and in the image, you can see a "wench" from the tavern encounter. Just the farm encounter will have 5 different scenes so they are not marginal. In the tavern, you will be also able to randomly meet other game characters and get additional quests from them.

I'm still planning to publish the update as soon as possible for you to have something to play, if you have some free days by the end of December. My current estimate is that the update can be ready in circa 8-10 days. 




As for the update, it sounds good and I'm glad everything is going as you planned. The main thing is to continue at the same pace ...