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I have decided that several next updates will also be for the Warlock of Lust. The main reason is that the game platform is nearly completed and I would like to add few more features. Namely random encounters, treasure chest with items and better combat system. All this updates are related to WOL so I will continue to work on it in a next few months. Also WOL has several story lines and features, that are only half-done (random dungeons, breeding...) that need more work.

I would also like to promote the game more so I will release more images and gifs from the game, update webpage and wiki page and eventually create more game play videos. 

Another thing that is coming soon is a translation tool, which is nearly finished. After release, anyone will be able to download it and contribute with the translation of any part of a game to any language he will want. There will be safeguards that no two people will be working on the same part concurrently. People will get benefits for translating the game. More info about this coming soon.


Uthan The Perverse

How do you make the models? Do you have a custom tool for it or do you use a 3d modelling tool like blender?


I have my own tool and my own model file structure. However, I can import other model files, like .obj if I want.

Hoff Man

So your others games development will be held off to like February? Also the mini project ludus master will not be worked on in the following months as well?


Yes for the other games - they will be paused for now, except Ludus Master. LM is commissioned, it is developed separately and it will get an update soon. The good news is that after that period, the platform will be completed and that one week per month that was usually spent to develop platform will now be dedicated to more in-game content instead.