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I'm working on the next version of Warlock of Lust for this month. It will mainly advance the story of countess Alizabeth and add more sound into the game.

Because many of you wrote me to avoid gore in the game, I have decided to make several story variations and endings available for the Alizabeth story. So you will be able to avoid violent parts of the story by taking safer options. And if you want some gore in the story, it will be entirely up to you. The next version will also introduce at least one new character - Alizabeth's maid Dora (in the picture).

I want to also add a music and sound effects into the game. It will be mostly some non-intrusive, ambient music that will vary based on the location you currently are at. Sound effects will be mostly in sex scenes and during combat. I'm also considering another voice over (probably for princess Lana).

As usual, the next update is planned for the end of this month.



Uthan The Perverse

Great work. But when can we expect the next animation tutorial?


Hi Komrad, tell me, and to create a translation of your games, what programs are needed?


Hi, translations are not yet possible. I will create a special tool for it later, but the games are still not in high enough versions to begin translations. I will get to it when the games will be near completion, because otherwise, I will end up with half the game translated and half not translated. So, it will be possible, but later.