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A new version of the game can be downloaded from my webpage. Inquisitor Sallia and countess Alizabeth story begins in this version. There are several scenes and the beginning of the plot. You can start he story by meeting the inquisitor in a local tavern after 10th day.

Lana's story continues and there is a lot of new content in it. After some events, you can move her either to your castle or to a tavern. Each option unlocks different scenes. If you move her to a castle and you want to have her and Ella together, you must also progress Ella's story.

I have decided to experiment a little and I have hired a professional voice actress to create a voice over for Jennyfer. She is now the first character in the game with a full voice over and I like the result a lot. Check if out and let me know if you like it. If the response is good, I will make voice overs for other characters too. Jennyfer now also has a one new scene (after her story is finished and she is back at academy), which was created by a patreon supporter, using tutorial videos. It is the first community sourced animation in the game.

I know that I have promised the back-compatibility of saves from previous version. Unfortunately, it did not happen, as I had to change their structure once again. However, I have created an alternative start, where you can skip the introduction part of the game and jump right into the action.

Check more details in the change log and wiki pages:




Uthan The Perverse

Nice to see my animation added :). Looking forward to your next tutorial.

Uthan The Perverse

So, I tried out the voice acted scenes. While the voice acting itself is pretty good, the unsynched lip animation feels a bit weird. Having tried the animation tool myself, I feel like some kind of phoneme based facial animation mechanism needs to be added so that lip animation can be synced to sound properly. Something like this perhaps: http://www.garycmartin.com/phoneme_examples.html


This has bothered me too and actually I have already solved this yesterday. I have added a very simple kind of lipsync, where the actor will continue to open her mouth while the voice is still on. It looks much better and requires no additional work from the animator, as it is done automatically. Too bad, I did not finished it in time for the release. It will work from the next version.


Hi im having trouble with my premium code its saying its not valid can i have a lil help