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LOH v0.2 is out with a lot of new content. As mentioned before, a hospital location is now available with the nurse job and plastic surgeon. Also the farm barn can be accessed with all the cow girls and milking machines at your disposal. Old jobs now have female customers with all the options of male customers. 

I have made several tweaks in the game to make it much less grindy - you will advance through levels faster, spend less money on food and recover more stats from resting and exercising.

Game can be downloaded from my webpage (link in description section). Wiki page was also updated and you can find more detail about this build in change log:





"Breeding Cow" require level 2 premium code thats not fair cuz you didn't told us this is been locked for higher patreons.


In all my games, there is a small portion of scenes available for Level 2 patreons (and above) as a thanks for their outstanding support. They are basically financing the game development.

Hoff Man

Does this mean you are closer to the Total Seduction part story path that you can choose in Life of Holly?


yes. the plan is that next update for LOH will be "house" starting location, where holly will start with a young guy, man and a woman in a house. than the next update will be the possibility to play as that young guy.


how can I get the cheat code? I am already lv2 payer


hello i realy like your game but are there ways to improve optimization,when i open the action very often the game freezes.(sorry for my english not my first lang)


the engine is constantly changing and developing, so hopefully, such issues will be solved.