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New version is finally out and it can be downloaded from my webpage. The focus in on your cook Anna and a new squire Lyria. They have plenty of scenes, including two lessons with Anna and Ella together (Anna is teaching Ella about pleasure, with your help). There is also a new raid on bandit camp with a new enemy - rogue. I have updated a game's wiki. There is now a much more details about specific characters in the game and a change log:


Tomorrow, I will start traveling and will be on roads until the end of week, so my access to the internet will be limited. That is also the reason why I have rushed with the release today, so you don't have to wait until I get back. A lot of game's aspects have been changed and I hope I have caught most bugs, but if you find any, please let me know.




Getting stuck in the chest in the capitol bedroom. Any solutions? Unable to move ( I can click on the castle exit to go back to my own castle but can not move inside the castle.


had same issue but then it fixed it self... but loving the game so far and all your other games cant wait for more ^_^


it is possibly bug, i have to check it out. i have change a lot about environment definition in this version. does this happen always, or only once? what was you doing before it happen?


I got the same bug lol.


Same bug. Can't get past it.


thanks all for reporting. the bug seems to be systematic, but unfortunately i'm still on the road. i will get back on friday and fix. until than, don't go back to the court!!! :)

wayne mathews

that is all i have left is the court


Just to let you know, the bug only happens when the main character comes back to see the dancing fairy. When the main character comes to the castle a second time, the bug occurs but can be avoided by interacting with the maid on the bed thus escape the chest. It's the the third time with the fiary, when there's no one near the bed, that the main character can't escape.