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From time to time I get requests that the seduced girls should not be shared with other (male) NPCs in the game and are kept only for a main character. People making such requests seem to feel strongly about it and I wonder how popular and strong is such opinion, thus this poll. Results will impact future games and may impact some changes in Total Seduction.



New location: Villa. A lot of rooms, a lot of beds. After completing a very difficult task (different for each girl) you can invite a girl there to live with you. Of course, if the player wishes it, he can turn Villa into a luxury brothel. I think that this idea will satisfy both sides.


Sooner or later your fetish is going to conflict with someone else's. It's okay to try to appeal to everyone, but if you compromise too much of your vision with what other people want, your game becomes watered down. I'd say keep to want you want. That's why many of us are here.


My personal thought is that you never swap one feature for another. Either find a way to put them both in there (a story path choice or game setting by the user) or keep the one you prefer in there. In the end it's your world, we just pay admission to visit it.


Just make it an option. People can choose for themselves and noone will be disappointed


I agree with Mr. Support. Make it an option to share. I personally like when you can make them slutty but if anyone dont agree with that its perfectly fine with me. So unless its too much work, i wouls atleast prefer to have it as an option.


Although in the end..... Its YOUR game, Do what YOU feel is the right thing to do :).


I definitely feel like having it as an option is good. Just make them checkable options when attaining Seduction and Corruption levels but that can be checked on later if you want. Also, that villa idea is great! For me, the harem route is always the best route!


i'd say , make it an option. Like a Seduction level requirement to unlock said "harem" . You can make it expensive too ! Like without cheats, the ressource cost and time required to obtain such option is quite enough to "choose" who you keep for yourself and who is free to "roam" elsewhere.


thanks for voting and all the suggestions. there seems to be a preference for a harem fetish, but also a significant portion of people are for a slutty behavior. i will make sure that the girl sharing will remain optional and will not be forced by a main quest or to unlock some additional content.