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I'm currently working on a next release of FD. I have most animations ready so the release is planned in approx. week from now.

Other news is that I have bought a domain and I'm planning to start a webpage about all my games. It will be fairly simple, the main focus is to have all the downloads at one place and to introduce content, that is not Patreon friendly, so I cannot present it here. The open question is if I will develop the site (which would take my time from other projects), or I will commission it's creation to a third party. I have no idea what are current prices for that, so if you have some experience in that area, let me know what the creation of basic web page would cost.



You can always use afree cms, for example: <a href="https://e107.org/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://e107.org/</a> i've used it many times and it is very flexable and easy to customise.


wordpress, is the CMS most used , is free. It also has many plugins


<a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/patreon-connect/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wordpress.org/plugins/patreon-connect/</a>