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I have finished a combat system for a Warlock of Lust and I'm currently in a testing phase. It was more work than I have initially anticipated but it works quite good. The idea is that you will summon minions (such as imps) that will tie down enemies while you will cast spells from the back line. When certain enemies are nearly defeated, you can cast "Mind break" spell that will destroy their inhibition and become sex slaves. Your minions will than "entertain" broken enemies until the battle is over and you can collect them (such entertainment is in the picture).

Depending on how testing will go, I will need few more days to release a next version of WOL - so my estimate is this weekend, or the beginning of next week. It will be all about the new combat system, but if it will be successfully tested, we will have a lot of fun with it. 




Is WOL going to be your main focus for a while or are we expecting a new version of TS inbetween?


I'm also planing an update for TS in some near time. i don't want to close it yet