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WOL demo is finished and can be downloaded from links in this page description, or tumblr. Unfortunately, the map commissioned to external artist I was waiting for was not delivered. I have decided not to wait any longer so there is a placeholder map in a demo and I will reupload it when the actual map will be finished.

Demo is not very long, it includes only few characters and some sex scenes. It was made mainly to showcase and test new engine and its features, such as cinematic dialogs and advanced interactions - NPCs will react to you when you enter the room, or get closer to them. For show are also new, high polygonal models capable of things, such as facial expressions. There is also quite a lot of text during the gameplay, that will describe the game in more details.

As this is the first release of this new engine, some bugs are expected, but this engine should be much more stable than engine in TS and bugs should be much easier to repair. If you find some, I would appreciate  any reports, preferably as personal messages.




Somehow I can't see any links to the download


they should be right above this post (orange colored text). or try to press F5 to refresh the page


Looking great, models and anims, look so much better. Your skill has definitely improved. Keep up the great work, can't wait to see more of WOL. No crashes or broken items for me, everything intended seems to work fine, except for the imp summon, he just slid up from the floor, but I figure you don't have the VFX for that in place yet.


thanks. yeah, you are right about the imp. he was not planed, i have only added him today, as i was still waiting for a map and need to kill some time :). summoning is still missing effects.


Love the new features. Definitly a step forward!


a great improvement! can't wait for the first release


looks good. just D/L it and the imp summoned fine and went to the mine door. i like the idea of being nobility so the character is in dominant control of everything. looking forward to more!!


The game looks great and handles so smoothly. Great work! This game is going to be on a whole new level as far as adult games go.


Nice work! Really like this little demo, cant wait for more. Any idea how often you are going to release new versions? Once per month?


TS will be released once per month, like usual, until around summer, when the final version of TS will be completed. from that point, i will fully switch to WOL. until then, there will be occasional versions of WOL to showcase and test new features, such as combat, monsters, or castle improvements.


Mike, the game has been very nice, but some things seem to be limited. Some places have not worked with me. They are not active like tutorial - tips - journal - and premium code. I look forward to more.


yeah, there is not much of gameplay in the demo, mostly some cinematics and some scenes. everything else is disabled, as there is no point to have things like cheat codes, when there are no rpg elements yet


Seriously , its really a step ahead ! Does the demo stops after waking up the next day and asked to go to the temple of lust ?


excuse me Mr.mike ! can you make more WOL ? i really like this game >