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Unfortunately, I have to delay a release of the WOL demo by one week. Even though I have already everything finished, I have commissioned some work to external artist which was supposed to be completed by the mid February and it is still not finished. Main piece is the map of the kingdom, which is essential for the gameplay so I cannot release the demo without it. I was promised to have the map delivered by the next week. I will use this time to squeeze in one bonus sex scene. This is probably the first time I had to postpone a release, so I'm not happy about it. Once again, sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience. 




No problem, man, it wasn't even your fault. We understand. Keep up the good work!


Feelsbadman. Oh well, these things happen when you outsource. Nothing you could have done. Take your time!


Thank you for letting us know a 100% better than some designers!!


No big deal my friend! You have delivered nothing but perfection so far and I have no doubts you will continue to do so. Keep up the magnificent work. Cheers.