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In this post, I would like to present my plans for the next year. For the past few months, I have started work on the new game - Warlock of Lust. I have learned a lot from Total Seduction and as it was my first game, it had some limitations i have not anticipated when I created it's engine (such as too simple scripting language, only linear quests, only basic camera control, or path-finding). Because of this, I have been working on a new game engine, which will be utilized in a new game. 

Warlock of Lust is a medieval/fantasy adult RPG game with the elements of management and tactical (DOTA style) combat. You will play as a champion of Goddess of Lust and try to turn strict and orderly kingdom into a sex crazed land. For much more information about the game, you can visit it's new wikia page:


As of the time-frame, first playable demo of the new game is planned at February 2018. First actual release will be out at the beginning of summer 2018. Until this point (summer 2018), Total Seduction will be the priority and new TS builds will be published as usual - every month. From the point of first release, the focus of development will shift smoothly from TS to WoL.  




Sound very promising.


Sounds good. But what about Stress Relief Commis. and Corrupt Marion? Do you plan any further update?


yes, i'm planning at least one upgrade for each of those games before the WoL is released. After the WoL, there could be new upgrades for each game, including TS. I will create a voting system for that and it will all depend on the polls.


So does that mean TS is almost completed as a game?


partially. TS will be developed until summer 2018 and possibly longer if required. TS has already all intended mechanics in place, so new content will be mainly in a form of new scenes, quests, locations... in 2018 i will just wrap up main story line and slowly shift focus on the new game


So WoL will be like Dungeon Keeper? That’s the game that comes to mind when I read your description.


yes, that was my main inspiration for the dungeon part. the kingdom and its politics was inspired by game of thrones.


I LIKE IT! The game concept is phenomenal. Can't wait to conquer the Kingdom. There are so few games that let you play a "Bad Guy" it's refreshing to see a new one being made. Good luck to ya and keep up the hard work.

Sammy Rebbo

What I'm looking forward to most is the improved camera controls. I hope that in the future TS will get upgraded with the new engine. Keep up the good work yo!