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First public release of Corrupt Marion will be out next week, as most of the animation is done and I'm working now on balancing issues. I'm considering to put Luna there (instead of Tamara), as I really like her model and it would be a nice preview of next TS release. CM will be released first for Patreon supporters according to their level.

On other news, I'm nearly finished with a brand new format for my 3D models. It is much more complex than current format. It will allow to double the number of joints (from current cca. 30), thus making things like facial expressions an hand gestures possible. It will also include particle generator for real time liquid physics (such as cum showers) and mesh generation to generate entire new body models. I hope it will bring the graphics of my games to entire new levels. If I will find a time, I will make a short presentation of it's capabilities.



I'm really looking forward to the Corrupt Marion, release - I really enjoyed the demo and was craving for more :)


WOW!! That will up the quality of the game. Water during the shower scenes would be great also!


Super excited for Corrupt Marion!