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Next version of WOL is finished and can be downloaded from my webpage


Penelope got new content and some unique scenes. After her training is finished, you can decide what type of customers she will receive (male, female or both) or you can keep her for yourself (no customers). She also have a different scene with each of your companions.

Corsair princess Zana is now in a game. She is interested in your expedition to the point, she will arrest you and interrogate you about it. This will be quite different "interrogation" than you have ever seen before, so check it out.

This is not a big update, but there is still around a dozen scenes and most of them are threesomes, as Zana will also involve her guard in the interrogations. I have included two saves, one is before Penelope is trained (so you can trained her according to your wish) and the other one is right before Penelope starts working - this is also the beginning of new content. More info about his update in a change log. Have fun.




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