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Friends! Bear with me, I needed to make some important decisions regarding my future life.

For example: I decided to not just have a girlfriend anymore, but finally make her my wife haha. (I just bought the rings yesterday and she´s been waiting for me doing the step for quite a while and now I finally feel ready for this lifetime commitment. Get married, build a family, have kids, move together, just entering a new chapter in my life. It took me some time to make that decision because I needed to overcome my  "fear of loss" since I lost my previous girlfriend to cancer).

And with this decision, I also feel way more responsibility to push my career further and be a successful/reliable artist/human-being/husband. I realized: Markus, you can work harder, spread more of the good stuff, help others and be more disciplined. So I defined some short-term and long-term goals and build new routines, but in short words I can say:

I think, that I did a good job over the last 3 years and managed to start a successful freelance carreer (I was bored in my fulltime studio job, actually: I hated it). But now that I have a clear bigger goal, I feel an immensive drive/power that I WANT and -more important- CAN do a better job and have a positive impact on others lives. 

But enough about that little motivation-speech! I just wanted to let you know: I´m entering a new chapter in my life and the first short-term goal is to give you an amazing November. So you have my word, that THE NEXT 3 WEEKS WILL BE POWERFUL AND EXCITING.

The first tutorial of the "Microsoft" design course, will be there by friday.

Thanks for your support and see you soon,
