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Hi Friends,

I like to create these little plans from time to time, so that I feel more in control of what I wanna do/achieve in a certain timeframe and I thought: Hey, I can share them with you and -at the same time- put a little bit of pressure on me to fullfill them;-).

Probably this is not very interesting for you at all but besides work, I also left my little other goals in the list. 

I also said no to any bookings for this timeframe, so that I can focus completely on health/fitness and learning/teaching stuff. Main goal is to level-up my skillset and share these insights with you.

So, I´m pretty sure you will see me more active on patreon/youtube/instagram the next weeks.

Feel free to comment, if my goals are stupid or what kind of goals you have for the next time:-).






Maybe i should have made some stuff not readable haha, but whatever;-)


Diver`s licence?