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Hi Patrons,

I hope this will be useful for you! Spent almost my whole Saturday making this one haha, I seriously was thinking: This will be a super short one, like....10 Minutes. I was totally wrong about it!

Now I need to think about a fitting Patreon Bonus Content.


Cinema 4D Tutorial Create Dynamic Waterdrops using X-Particles and Octane

Learn how to use X-Particles Dynamics to create an amazing waterdrops effect. I learned this amazing technique while studying the scene files at Insydium´s content repository https://insydium.ltd/community/content-repository Its such a great opportunity to study scene files form X-Particles Masters! Sadly, this can be a bit overwhelming for Beginners. So I stripped down one of these scene files and show you how to build it from the beginning, step by step. I´m sure, this will be beneficial for some of you out there! If you like me training, you can think about supporting my efforts here: https://www.patreon.com/3DBONFIRE I´m super curious what you will do with this technique. Share it with me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markusgonser3d If you ask yourself, what mashine is this 3DBONFIRE-guy (Markus) using: Most important are the graphic cards ( 3 GTX 1080TI´s), which is not really a heavy setup. I need to update soon. But you can do the tutorial also with less GPU Power of course. Thanks so much and I hope to see you at the BONFIRE again next time! Best, Markus





See above Xp splash does something stupid in the middle of the screen if you set the frames to 160 and not your 80 WHY IS IT DOING THIS https://imgur.com/AuXRAG8