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I hope you will enjoy this one!

This time I talk about a scene I prepared and we go into the details. But I think, I know what you like the most... Starting with a blank Cinema 4D Scene and let the magic happen! I hope this "Scene Review" approach was helpful anyway... Tell me what you think.

Best, Markus


Cinema 4D Tutorial Play with Spheres like a PRO using X-Particles and Octane

You want to play with spheres like a Pro, right? Then this is the right course for you. Lots of 3D-Artists start(ed) with shiny spheres at Greyscalegorilla, I´m sure I made dozens of sphere renderings and showed them with a huge feeling of pride to my mom (not sure if I should say that…). But! We evolve and so do sphere renderings. Don´t hesitate, enter the realm of more polished spheres like ever before and master the secret techniques that will earn you the title "Sphere-Pro". There is not much time left so jump right into the Battle for Greatness! (I hope this intro text wasn´t too intense...but anyway, who really reads the text! If you read it, tell my in the comments) Part 2 will be exclusive on Patreon, where we dare to dream big and dive even further into 3D Madness (super soon!). Support me, so I can give you even more of the good stuff, plus you will feel like my Hero! https://www.patreon.com/3DBONFIRE I´m super curious what you will do with this secret(not anymore, I guess...) knowledge! Share it with me on instagram, I would love to make a story about your artpiece. https://www.instagram.com/markusgonser3d Thanks to https://www.unstudios.net/ for helping me with the sound and https://insydium.ltd/ for making an awesome plugin. The HDRI I was using is from https://www.poliigon.com/ but you can also use free HDRIs. If you ask yourself, what mashine is this 3DBONFIRE-guy (Markus) using: Most important are the graphic cards ( 3 GTX 1080TI´s), which is not really a heavy setup. I will update soon. But you can do the tutorial also with less GPU Power of course. Thanks so much and I hope to see you at the BONFIRE again next time! Best, Markus



By the way... Part 2 will be there next week, I just give you a little bit of time to digest Part1 first.


AWESOME!!!! Love this one