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Hi Patrons,

this is the Bonus lesson for my latest tutorial on big explosions! It will help you to understand some of the settings better. I am still working my head around these settings, so bear with me, that I still need to understand all of the settings by myself. I hope my efforts so far will be benefitial for you!


Realistic Explosions Bonus



Actually I have managed to some good results. Roger : u may want to check your settings in the Render settings. I have set the Volume Step size to 2. And the Voxel size to 1.4 really helps. However, is there a way to see more fire than smoke ? at the beginning of the explosion, I get nice "fire bursts", but when I tweak the FUEL settings, I cannot get more "fire birsts" as the smoke covers everything...any clue ? Thx in advance Chris

Colin Willoughby

Hi Markus, my question relates to the VDB that we create in xParticles xplosia, rather than the simulation side of things. My simulation is good, VDB is good coming into octane. but I am wondering if there are any parts of your xplosiaFX tutorials where you go over parameters in octane to get the fire+smoke dialed in. Right now my fire and smoke are looking rather fake. I've messed around with substep iterations, density, changed the emission ramp colors, all sorts of stuff, but nothing comes close to your look. any direction would be awesome.


Hi Colin, sadly I didnt do any explosiaFX for quite some time and I can´t give you a useful answer without diving back into that topic...