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AI Content?

  • Yes, I'm totally for AI Art. 31
  • Yes, I just want more content. 118
  • No, I prefer Non-AI Art. 103
  • No, I am very against AI Art. 70
  • 2023-08-09
  • 322 votes
{'title': 'AI Content?', 'choices': [{'text': "Yes, I'm totally for AI Art.", 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Yes, I just want more content.', 'votes': 118}, {'text': 'No, I prefer Non-AI Art.', 'votes': 103}, {'text': 'No, I am very against AI Art.', 'votes': 70}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 9, 18, 52, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 322}


Andy and I have been toying with the Idea of using AI Art and Writing generators to fill in the gaps between the Comic pages. This could be things that we randomly had ideas for, or possibly even things you guys suggest or poll for. Stories, Art, and Captions. The current content flow WOULD NOT CHANGE. You would get two pages of NON-AI Comic pages, and the NON-AI story caption for the high tier discord members each month. These new AI ideas would strictly be to fill in the down time between pages. The AI's will be fed original sketches by Andy, and the stories would be heavily edited by myself to keep our style/feel. They will all also be tagged as "AI ART" so you can avoid it if you prefer. The attached picture is an example of one of these AI artworks. Let us know what you think! 




I'm not paying for AI content and will immediately leave You'd be running a scam


As I said, the amount of content you'd get from our own hands wouldn't be changing. AI things would simply be filling in dead air between the comic pages. But that's a valid opinion, thanks for the vote!


Filling dead air with dead air doesn't make it better The example image doesn't even look like y'all's art You shouldn't be charging for something you didn't make


I'm not against AI always but in this case I patron you to see your work and creativity. I don't have the same feelings as this person, but nonetheless feel it substantially changes the equation.


Just saying I'm in the same boat as Aforce. Like, just with all the crap on AI, the art theft, what it's doing to jobs, the stress it's causing artists, the cyberbullying I've seen against artists using AI replications of there work, it's terrible. I appreciate you asking, and I trust you'd not do less of your own hand done work, but just the way things are at the moment, I can't support AI in any way, even if it's not in a directly harmful way, I can't bring myself to support anything that would be normalising it's use. If you start using it, I'm sorry but I will also leave.


For me AI is just a different form of expression and tool that an artist can use. No different than using paint, oils, marble, or Render Models. I haven't seen any real proof that AI has cause any direct harm other then the stigmatism that people have placed on it. As an example I made a wonderful AI art featuring a store and a few characters as mannequins. Got trashed for even using AI to make it. In another post that came later someone took a koikatsu party and slap some generic textures onto it and got high praises for it. That stigmatism has harmed me going public with my work. When comparable programs like Poser and Koikatsu party had no trouble getting into the market. It is a tool, it can help artist become better and I fully support the use of it to make Art. As Art is about the the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination no matter what medium is used.


No AI for the same reason why processed food isn't as good as the real stuff.


So I take it you don't eat at McDonalds then? Because it be better to support the people who are good with AI then those that are bad.


I subscribe because I love your art. YOUR art. It’s absolutely gorgeous. I have nothing against non-artists who use it as a tool to enhance what they’re doing. I’ve done it myself, because I’m a writer, not an artist. You’re not that guy. You’re an amazing artist and I’m happy to wait to see your art.


I love me some processed food, but I’d be pissed if it was served to me at a nice restaurant. SampleGuy is a nice restaurant in this analogy.


So, as I understand it, it'd be like if between an existing page 4 and 5, you'd have an AI-done "page 4.5" that would otherwise not be there at all, and we'd still get pages 4 and 5 on the usual schedule? Because that just sounds like getting more stuff for free, even if it's not what we're specifically here for (your existing style and quality of work). So we get a free apple with our sandwich. Some of you al might not like apples, but you can just see that it's an apple, go "oh, no thanks" and skip it. If I'm misunderstanding, I apologize, but it seems like most of the comments so far are saying they would specifically rather get nothing extra than get the AI art for free. I say sure, why not? It could also help jog ideas for the main line anyway.

W C Purdy

No. I'm afraid that I am in the same boat as A-Force and Zoey. If you start using AI, it wouldn't be your art. It wouldn't have the same hallmarks that makes YOUR art special, and it wouldn't be the reason I signed up for you. If you begin using AI, I will immediately unsubscribe.


The reason why not for me is that even if Sample-Art keeps up the human made content at the same pace, having a Patron where they accept money in part exchange for AI content would be contributing to normalising AI in the professional artworld and paying money for AI content. And the problem with that is many of us feel AI is unethical, taking work of artists to put them out of business. I do not want my money to go towards supporting AI in anyway, or to anything that would normalize it's use.