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Just a quick reminder, for those of you in the Writing Wench, Sexy Sith, and Luscious Link tiers.

If you want to be eligible for the monthly Caption story, you do need to be in the Discord so I can contact you and talk about the details.





Thanks! Where can we find the link for the patreon


If you connect your Patreon Account to your Discord account, you'll be automatically invited!

Pert Toro

Sounds good Which channel page should we talk on


Caption-Discussion is the channel for specifically discussions about the captions but general discussions can happen anywhere!

Elizabeth Anne Black

New here, sounds fun. Can you provide instructions to those of us who are Discord virgins?


Sure thing! If you go into your account settings, there should be a tab that says 'Apps' the only option is Discord and you'll see the button to connect. That should walk you through connecting your accounts, and then you'll be added to the server!