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So lately, (the laste several months) the Caption Stories for the Writing Wench tier has not been claimed, has been turned down, or has taken 3-4 people to find someone who wants it. Since this is the only added perk of the $12 tier, I will be retiring the Writing Wench tier at the end of this month. Those in that tier should drop to the $10 Bimbo Brucie tier as soon as possible to keep all their other benefits.

To keep the captions going, and going to people who actually want them, I will be offering a theme, idea, or set of pictures each month in the Discord. ALL tiers will be welcome to offer their ideas for the prompts and themes, and I will choose one that I like to write that month. You DO need to join the Sampleverse Discord Server to get in on these, but all patrons are able to offer suggestions.

TLDR: Writing Wench tier is going away. Wenches should join the $10 tier. Everyone should join the discord to get a chance at caption stories.



Is there a link for the discord anywhere?


If your discord is connected to your Patreon account, you should be out in the server automatically.


If your discord is connected to your Patreon account, you should be out in the server automatically.