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so just wanted to let you all know im new to this and as i get the hang of it ill be sharing "inside" information about the channel, video creation stuff like that as well as things from my real life.. what im doing day to day,, pictures of fee fee being cute.. cool places im at etc... ill get the hang of it as time goes on and it should be easier now that i have the patreon app on my phone (i have to learn how it works) so please be patient with me and ill start sharing cool things asap.. and again, thanks so much for your generosity.



I find your unique role playing and sometimes hilarious antics an added bonus to the tinglish i recieve. you are quite an individual and should be proud of that sir!! I escpecially love the video where you pulled out the Hersheys kiss, for some reason i absolutely lost it and was laughing harder than i have in a while. thank you for what you bring.

Dr. Tingles ASMR

<img src="https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.comment/wQagEu230egi6QWUtJS5dcKbOy97f0jxHFVJHHyW4LkcNx2BfHClAJWqB2zgu3wZ.PNG"><br>thanks stephan, its been amazing to see the response to the channel,, i love making these videos and when i see how much people are enjoying it, well.. its even more motivation to do more and better. oh and heres some inside information.. i built my own tool shed.. lol ☺


Very cool, lost my password to this site for a bit, saw that you got finished with it too . What color did you paint it.?

Dr. Tingles ASMR

i haven't painted it yet, but when I do I'm going to paint it a barn red with white trim 😎