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love you guys for supporting the channel during these crazy times we're in.. i dont take it lightly.. thank you. also, give me any requests you may have.. Much love Doc/Jay




I don't know if it would be too difficult...but...what about a tingle droid programing video? Say something like installing a brain (raspberry pi) into a droid and then "programming it". I think that would be cool with the right keyboard :)


Maybe bedtime stories for young droids


Bed time stories for young droids


Hey Doc! Just thought of an idea! I'd love to see you do maybe an Aplha 2 maintenance video using the plexiglass screen thing you used in "repaint for droids" and "most misunderstood face massage". Could use it as fixing her LCD screen, light tracking, sonar with the tinglefork and such. And I'm sure the chats and voice lines you'd come up with would be super entertaining! :D

Dr. Tingles ASMR

thats great.. i could combine it with a couple other requests and video ideas also.. thnx 😷👍


OG Tingles comes across a disorientated Tingle Droid (the viewer) on the edge of a restricted TI area. He muses about what the Professor might have droid doing in there whilst fixing it up/tingle energising it. OG's reasons for being near the area are of course dubious (which he glosses over).


Hey how about a lesson in ASMR tapping? or a guild on how to use laser technology properly? 👋😄


Hey Dr. T. Just wanted to ask what ever happened to those monthly wallpapers!


Would really love to see more of OG Tingles, Vincent and Matrix interrogation series <3


I would love to hear another rain video


Me too