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attention all employees of Tinglebottom Industries! a highly secret tranmsission has been removed from the premises... this intel could be extremly harmeful to T.I. if it were to get into the wrong hands... be on the look out for intruders and apprehend them at once 🤖🤖🤖😷🤖🤖🤖


Uri Gressel

Is it the FISA report?


Commensing security protocols and sweep of Tinglebottom Industries.


I see a guy in a trench coat hanging around loading bay 8. Want me to tingle him out and hold him for questioning?

Dr. Tingles ASMR

roger that,, you have full authority to engage in light torture until the security droid team arrives.. doc out


I discovered some amazing sounds and followed them to a suspicious person. Before I could do anything, I fell asleep. Sorry Doc, the tingles in that secret transmission were too much for me. I see why someone stole it!


I saw a pretty sketchy looking person at dunkin doughnuts this morning, I knew something was up when the cashier forgot to add 1 suger and 1 cream to my Americano I get every morning before work they never forget, they know im on to them and there hideout is somewhere close by must be that Triar DeJello fello behind all this. I have a Starship standing by, give the word and I can issue general order 24.