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Hey guys,, it so discouraging to have just gone out and invested in some pretty expensive equipment so i can deliver you all the cleanest most top end sound qaulity, only to have the most recent video i made with the new equipment be ad restricted. Once again during the videos most revenue making potential, which is during its first couple days,, i dont know... im not bitching so much as im just wanting to let you guys know how much of an important difference your making to the channel. on a happier note, i had a good thanksgiving and hope you all did too, Much Love, Doc 😷



I'm glad you had a good thanksgiving. Don't worry about the ads Doc, I'd watch your videos even if you put ads on all your videos, that's how much I enjoy your work.


I'm sorry it got ad restricted, I don't understand why they would restrict it. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving


Happy Thxgiving dude. :)


Glad to hear your Thanksgiving was good. I guess I'll just watch your video a 2nd time & hope for an ad. A good friend once gave me some good advice: don't sweat the petty things & don't pet the sweaty things! We'll get you through this. Much love to you! 💖💖😘😷💖💖


I'm sorry to here that man, don't know why YouTube would even do that that's dumb. I hope you keep your spirits up! I'll watch the video allot of times to make up for it too! Your the best


Sucks to hear that dude. Youtube is being an ass right now. My thanksgiving was last month because Im canadian. Glad u had a good one though. Idk any other websites that you could upload to but I mean patreons always an option. You would probably lose a lot of viewers but if you gotta do it u gotta do it. Keep it up man dont let youtube get you down


Sorry to hear, Jay! I'm going to drop an email to YouTube and ask why your videos keep getting demonetized and see what happens with it. If they bother to get back to me I'll report back!


Just went back to your last video & got a 5 min ad for poo-pouri. 💩 I'm dumber for having watched it...but anything for you man! ☺


Something is genuinely wrong with YouTube it's broken because nobody is hardly taking the time to maintain it and check all their claims it's like everything is automated now. I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this but you're not alone there are a lot of YouTubers out there also having the same problems and the same results if push comes to shove and if enough people can continue to get on YouTube about this if it can reach a corporate level maybe something can be done about it I'll keep my fingers crossed always


You deserve better Dr T!

Dr. Tingles ASMR

the first time it ever happened i did delete, reupload and did a differnt namr,, doesnt work,,this videoi finaly cleared for ads, but took way to long


Its good to hear that you had a good thanksgiving! We all hope you can pull through with this! Like a lot of people said, you deserve better! You are very talented at what you do and should keep pursuing it!


Don't be discouraged! It's just a passing thing, when another site takes over and becomes the new YouTube, make sure to jump on there!! Your work is brilliant!! I became a patron today because you are my favorite ASMRtist, you have developed a whole storyline, characters, accents, the sound and image quality is superb, and the actual content of your videos is just top notch imaginative amazing ASMR. I watch your videos so much, I thought it only fair that I give you some much deserved support! Thank you for all of your hard work! (PS. I was also born in MA, I thought that was pretty cool haha )


Welcome Shay! I'm glad to have you, and everyone here to help our fav carry on with his good work.

Uri Gressel

YouTube is up to some extreme fuckery. It's like they want to go under or lose profits. Given Google's track record at failed ventures, this may not be surprising. Your videos are not offensive, vulgar, lewd or remotely political aka "wrong think", so there's no conceivable reason they should be flagged. Just out of curiosity, what number code did the video get flagged with? ...105, 106, 115?


Define amazing...just watch the vid!! Thank you Jay, I was out like light 🙌

Uri Gressel

Right click and select view page source. Press F4 and search "excluded_ads" After the highlighted text will be codes. Nobody definitely knows what the codes mean but they've sort of categorized them into different classes.