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hey guys,, ill be processing the rewards in the next couple days as well as announce the winner of the exquisite flower oil painting :O).. you guys have no idea how much your support means.. i never thought patreon would have become so much a part of the channel when i started it as youtube was pretty awesome when i first started to gain popularity, but with all the stuff going on now its pretty frustrating,, most of my current uploads are getting hit with add restrictions that i have to appeal and i loose out on most of the ad revenue that videos would have made in the earliest views, so patreon has made all the difference in the world. thanks so much to the viewers that urged me to make a patreon account in the beginning as i would have never thought this would be happening with youtube,, hopefully it will get fixed soon. but anyway,, i love you guys and really appreciate your generosity! Much Love Dr.T/Jay



Love you too bro, your doing a fantastic job!!!


You're spectacular ❤❤


I couldn't imagine life without your videos. I love them, they help keep me sane. Much love brother! 💕💕💕


Hey man your very welcome im glad I could help you out, you have become apart of our lives and important to us all. Much love, and best wishes man!


You make my life better!


Its only 9am so I cant be to nice this early, you no how much of a fangirl I am anyway 😅👍❤


You are the best there is. Thank you for all you do! 💖 Lots of love & respect, -The other Masshole 😉