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Happy New Year, everyone! As we step into 2024, I hope this year brings joy and success to all. Let's take a moment to reflect on our journey through 2023 at Re:Library.

First Quarter: We started the year with stable profits. From February to May, we increased the monthly quota for "Pupil of the Wiseman" from 10 to 15 chapters. However, our dedicated translator overworked themselves, resulting in a hand injury. This led to a necessary slowdown in their pace, and while they are still catching up, we're seeing steady progress.

Second Quarter: April saw the addition of "Destiny Unchain Online" to Project Gender Bender, replacing the completed "Hero's Redo." In May, "Two as One Princesses" also joined our lineup. This period, however, marked a significant drop in profits due to decreased patron pledges.

Third Quarter: July was challenging, with more patrons cancelling their pledges, pushing us into the red for the first time in 2023. We reallocated funds from the General Purpose Patreon to cover translation costs. In August, "Tilea's Worries" faced a slowdown after our biggest sponsor withdrew due to personal reasons, reducing our output to one chapter every two months. September brought "Alchemist Startover" to replace the completed "Guild's Cheat Receptionist," after the translator wrapped up "Not Sure, Another World Reincarnation."

Fourth Quarter: Our revenue stabilized, though the downward trend continued. The negative balance in December was primarily due to the addition of a new series, "I Was Killed by My Classmates and Became God’s Gofer." We're hopeful for a turnaround as "God’s Gofer" gains popularity and more patrons.

As we move forward, we're committed to adapting and growing. Your support has been invaluable, and we're excited to see what the new year brings. Thank you for being part of our journey!




Here's to hopefully a more profitable and exciting year, thank you everyone on ur team for the fantastic work u all do ^_^