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Chapter 4-221: Fury!


The vice dean was furious. How dare this entity make his move on his students in his presence? Had he really no respect for him?

Although he was an old and dying man, that did not mean he could easily be bullied!

Battle qi surged in his body. In just an instant, the table and chairs in front of him were pulverized. The more critical the situation was, the calmer the vice dean was. His frail arm did not reach for his sword. He turned to Reg instead. No matter what, his first priority was to expel that *thing* possessing him.


It was the sound of something sharp piercing into flesh.

Reg had actually plunged his own sword into himself, just an inch away from his heart. He then started turning the hilt slowly, all while laughing like a maniac.

The malice was evident.

The expression on the vice dean’s face contorted. He did not dare to get any closer to the front. With an unfathomable look on his face, he motioned with his hand to stop the other instructors and elders who were secretly attempting to approach Reg.

Ignoring the vice dean, Reg turned his attention to Lilith and repeated what he said.

“You… are guilty…”

His hoarse voice carried endless resentment, as if Lilith was really an evil sinner. But no matter how hard Lilith racked her brain, she could not figure out what she had done to warrant such anger and resentment.

“Who the hell are you?!”

Lilith composed herself, forcing herself not to be overwhelmed by that terrifying presence. She gritted her teeth and continued pressing, “Cut the act! State your business!”

The person in front of her was definitely not Reg. It was obvious that something else had taken over his body. Since he mentioned the word “guilty”, Lilith immediately remembered the strange black cards written in the language from her previous world that she found on Thea and Brea’s bed in their dorm room not long ago.

“Gaga… We… know… everything about you…”

Lilith’s heart skipped a beat. She had no idea if this “Reg” was saying that he knew everything about her in this world… or in both the worlds she had lived in.

Based on the fact that the cards were written in the language from her previous world, the latter seemed likely to be the case.

Reg laughed strangely, as if finding Lilith’s reaction to be amusing. Strangely, tears of blood leaked out from his eyes.

“The Great Celestial Rite… Game… You must participate…”

A voice appeared directly in Lilith’s head.

“Game? What game?”

“Must participate… Or else… consequences await…”

After saying that, Reg seemed to have exhausted all strength in his body. He collapsed on the ground. The light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

“Damn it!”

Lilith suddenly snapped back to her senses, but there was no time to figure out the riddles given to her. She quickly took out a healing scroll and slapped it on Reg’s body.

The soft light of the healing spell gradually spread out, like a breathtaking aurora. Yet it was powerless to stop the light in Reg’s eyes from dimming.

*Cough, cough.*

Reg coughed twice and seemed to have regained his consciousness. There were bits of flesh mixed in the blood he coughed up. He grabbed Lilith’s sleeve with confusion written all over his face. With difficulty, he asked, “Lilith… What… happened?”

“Don’t speak!”

Lilith anxiously stopped Reg from doing anything that might drain his life force faster, while beckoning to someone in the distance.

Cornelia appeared and put her tiny hand on Reg’s wound. Her divine power flowed through her arm and poured into Reg’s body. A moment later, she removed her hand and frowned.

“Eeyah, eeyah…”

Lilith digested the meaning behind Cornelia’s words, then asked with confusion, “What do you mean he can’t be saved? You should be able to directly infuse life force right, Cornelia? Go replenish his life force.”

“Eeyah, eeyah.”

“You’re saying... he’s already dead?”

Lilith turned stiffly to Reg, who was tugging at her sleeve.

Dead? Are you kidding? This guy is still moving. He can still speak. How could he be dead? That’s… just too strange.

“Strange. Is it dark already, Lilith? Why… Why… can’t I see anything?”

Reg’s eyes were losing focus at a speed visible to naked eyes. He seemed to have also realized something. Tears leaked out of the corner of his eyes, mixed with the bloodstain on his face and turned bright red.

Lilith, who had calmed down, finally understood what Cornelia meant by Reg was dead. No heartbeat. No pulse. No breathing.

Even from such a close distance, Lilith could not sense anything with her keen senses.

“Is that so…”

Her gaze fell on the sword that was still buried in his chest, and soon understood the reason.

Reg had lost all signs of living when that sword plunged into him. The stirring had damaged and destroyed his heart. In other words, he was already dead at that moment.

Perhaps he was only able to speak and move now due to the after-effects of getting possessed by *that being*. It could hardly be called a terminal lucidity.


The vice dean suddenly surrounded the area with a big group of instructors and professors. Since Lilith was petite and made no attempts to resist, the crowd quickly pushed her out of the way.

Reg lost his grip on Lilith’s sleeve and waved it around in the air, as if searching for something to grab on. In the end, he could only put it down helplessly, like a dead leaf falling to the ground or a butterfly flapping its wings for one last time, sadly heading toward its final destination.

Lilith knew deep down in her that the outcome would still be the same, no matter how many people came.

What could a bunch of mortals possibly do for someone that even Cornelia could not save?

The sound of people talking, screaming, shouting and cursing mixed together. The din caused Lilith’s ears to ring.

“C-Can… somebody tell me, what’s… going on? …Why… Why would I…”

Among the crowd, Reg uttered his final words that could no longer be considered final at this point. In this moment, he could no longer see, hear or feel anything. He could only think of the empty sky, asking questions that he could never hear the answers to.

His every word stabbed Lilith in the chest.

That was right. Reg was innocent.

This ordinary but hardworking guy, who had neither special talent nor special bloodlines, had only one ambition—to become the academy representative. He knew nothing about everything that had happened and had no idea why he had become like that after waking up.

The cause of all this was because of a b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲ that came out of nowhere to issue a “game invitation” to her.

Was she the cause then?


Lilith clenched her fists tightly.

“Are you able to track down who is it that possessed Reg?”

Cornelia shook her head.

“What? I thought you’re a deity. Aren’t you an omnipotent deity? Why can’t you do an easy task like that?!”

Lilith grabbed Cornelia’s shoulders and shook her hard, as if by doing that she would be able to shake an affirmative answer out of Cornelia.

“Eeeyah.” That hurt.

Cornelia frowned and looked like she was about to cry.

It was only then Lilith realized that her dragon blood had activated without her knowing.

“Sorry, I… got too worked up.”

Lilith clutched her head agonizingly and slowly crouched down.

The unexpected turns of event sent her heart in turmoil. Not only the death of Reg, but also this incident had made her clearly realize one thing.

An unknown enemy from an unknown origin. A huge crisis was quietly approaching her and she did not know the reason. And this crisis would most likely endanger those around her.

It was Reg, whom she had known merely half an hour ago, this time. Who would it be next time?

Brea? Thea? Or maybe even… Lesiah?

Lilith could not imagine what would happen.


“As I expected.”

In the depths of the jungle, inside the hut where Elder White lived, Lilith found a black card with “Guilty” written on it underneath the pillow which the unconscious old man was resting on.

The size and the pattern on it were exactly the same as the two other cards she found on Thea and Brea’s bed.

“What’s this?”

Diana came over curiously. She took the card and felt the texture with her hand. “A greeting card? An invitation?”

Lilith had an unpleasant look on her face. “Hurry up and see if you have the same card on you, Martial Niece.”

“Me? Of course not, I’ve never received any card like this.”

“Stop talking, just look for it!”

Diana was startled by Lilith suddenly raising her voice. Even with that serious look on her face, she could tell that Lilith was not joking around with her. So, she obediently fumbled around in her pockets.

Then with disbelief on her face, she pulled out a black card that looked exactly the same.

Lilith started trembling involuntarily. As Diana pulled out that black card, a bad suspicion slowly formed in her mind.

Could it be that everyone she knew was given the same black card?

Did this mean… they were all being targeted by the mastermind behind all this?

Could it be that Elder White’s current condition was not caused by White Jade Style, and… it was the enemy giving her a warning?

If she were to go against the mastermind’s wishes and not participate in that game, did that mean all her friends might eventually become half-living dead like Elder White?

No. It was not a *might*. They would most likely end up the same way.

If she thought about it carefully, why would activating a full-body White Jade Style cause Elder White to end up in such a state that left almost everyone helpless? The old man had immersed himself in White Jade Style for most of his life for crying out loud.

“Ha… That’s an effective threat.”

For the first time since the moment she was reborn in this world, there was fear in Lilith’s eyes.

It was the fear of losing something dear to her. However, that fear was replaced by fury in just the blink of an eye. It was the very same fury of that legendary dragon who had its inverted scales touched by others!

“Haha… You wanna play a game? Fine, I’ll play with you. Whoever the mastermind behind this is, you better not let me catch you. Or else…”

A sinister smile crept across Lilith’s face. “I will bite a piece of your flesh off mercilessly, even if it will cost me my life.”


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