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Chapter 2 - The Vampires’ Plan (Part 2)

Macy followed closely after Heather to a table that was covered with lots of food and red wine. She picked up a glass of red wine.

Of course, Heather and Macy had outstanding beauty that really attracted attention. Many men immediately started staring at them when they entered the party venue.

There were only a few men who already had female companions with them. Thus, most of the other men went up to invite Heather when they saw that she was smiling.

However, Heather was still clutching on to her rabbit doll. She politely rejected all of the men’s invitations.

Macy was the same. She used the excuse of needing to remain at Heather’s side at all times as her bodyguard in order to reject all the men.

The men all had expressions of dissatisfaction. Honestly, they all had rather high statuses. Most of them were young masters from rich families in their country, or diplomats from other countries.

However, this didn’t mean that Heather would be afraid of them. Not only was she not afraid of young masters, but she also wouldn’t even be afraid of kings.

Heather gathered together with the other vampire royals. The vampires had all concealed their vampire traits, so the humans present couldn’t tell that they were vampires. The humans simply viewed Heather’s group as an ordinary human princess and her bodyguards. All of the vampire royals were standing at Heather’s sides, after all.

Luckily, they were in a corner, so they didn’t attract too much attention from others.

“We’ll be proceeding with the original combat plan soon…”

“Understood, Princess…”

Macy wasn’t the only vampire royal who had come along with Heather. There were three others here as well-

They were Prince Albert, who was ranked #3, Prince Norris Badifens, who was ranked #6, and Griffin Bryan, the strategist.

The vampires were waiting for a certain opportunity.

Indeed, the vampires were scheming something. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have disguised themselves to attend this human party.

Heather shook a glass of blood-red wine as she leaned against a small sofa.

Many guests kept entering and exiting. They were waiting for the time when the archduke would make a speech. That was the time when there would be the most people present.

-That was the time that the vampires were waiting for to enact their plan.

Thus, the vampires were currently waiting for more guests to slowly come in.

Heather’s pink lips gulped down the red wine which was the color of blood.

However, she couldn’t figure out at all what was supposed to be delicious about this drink. In Heather’s mouth, all food tasted bland and tasteless, although the food wasn’t at the point of being disgusting to her.

However, she was unable to sense what her brother tasted while he ate similar foods. This made her feel really displeased inside- If only she could taste food just like Mirabelle could, she could learn just what Mirabelle liked and didn’t like to eat. At that time, she would be able to complete one of her wishes from her previous life. -She wanted to personally cook something for her older brother.-

Unfortunately, by the time that Rion had grown up, she was already permanently hospitalized, without any chance of leaving the hospital. That obviously made it impossible for her to go to the kitchen and cook something for her brother.

So, even if it was only once, Heather really wanted her older brother to taste her own cooking. This was Heather (Rion’s) regret from her past life -

Vampires didn’t have a sense of taste. The only delicious food for them was sweet, sweet blood. For instance, Mirabelle’s blood. Her blood had a special blood scent that could charismatically appeal to any vampire. Heather felt excited and delighted when she recalled Mirabelle’s blood. She kept shaking her red wine as she glanced through the wineglass and kept looking at the bodyguards next to Archduke Nilson.

The bodyguards were quite powerful for humans, but Heather was capable of instantly killing them all.

“Let me repeat one more time. Leave all the bodyguards and anyone who resists for me to deal with. You guys just focus on controlling the other humans…”

“Princess, why aren’t you personally dealing with them?”

Macy directly punched Albert on his chest and told him, “You idiot, our princess is so focused on her love, so how could she possibly suck anyone else’s blood?”

“It’s not because I’m focused on my love. Human and elven blood both don’t suit my palate. You should know this already? Apart from Mirabelle who has such a wondrous blood scent, anyone else’s blood tastes absolutely disgusting to me…”

“Such a picky eater of a princess…” Albert suddenly made such a comment.

However, Heather wasn’t actually a picky eater. Normally, she could survive even without having to drink anyone’s blood at all. She was the primogenitor of all vampires. She had the ability to always feel full even without filling her stomach with blood.

Ever since she drank Mirabelle’s blood, she became deeply enchanted by Mirabelle’s blood. She began to wonder how it was possible that such delicious blood existed in the world. It really surprised her, which was why she was really delighted. There was actually something in the world that her sense of taste found delicious. As she expected, she was definitely destined to be together with her brother.

To tell the truth, Heather had indeed tried the blood of other elves before. However, she would always immediately vomit upon even a slight taste. Only Mirabelle’s blood was capable of making her taste sweetness and refreshment. That was why she desired to drink Mirabelle’s blood.

“Princess, it’s about time…”

“Is that so?”

Macy gently shook Heather’s shoulder to remind her of the time.

‘-I think she’s probably thinking of Mirabelle again?’

Last time, although Heather claimed that she didn’t mind, she actually really minded that Mirabelle had escaped, which was why she was in a daze like this right now.


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