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Chapter 1 - The Goddess of Light is Charming but Scheming

“Still angry?”

I stood alone on an unknown street and looked at the crowds in front of me, sighing.

I seemed to be too excited before, at my farewell party, so my mother said to me with a sad face, "My daughter seems to want to leave her mother as soon as possible. As you wish, mommy will send you there immediately with Teleportation magic. But Mommy is busy and can’t send you personally, so you’ll have to pass through this random teleportation circle instead."

“Wait, mom, are you angry? I’m sorry! I’m Sorry! Random teleportation isn’t reliable, don’t! Ah, I apologize... Ah!!”

“Momma’s not angry~” Even though I desperately apologized, my mom smiled and slapped the random teleport spell on my face.

“But this is also my fault, I got too excited about leaving for the outside world. It was like I’m trying to rub it on my mother’s face by saying that I’m happy to leave her. It’s normal for her to be mad at that.”

"But..." I looked around for a moment and muttered, "I still have to find out where I am."

Pedestrians walk up and down the streets and the sound of the market is endless, revealing an atmosphere unique to human society.

"Uncle, wait a moment," I called out to a middle-aged uncle wearing dirty overalls who looked to be going to work.

The old man seemed to be in a hurry, so it would seem that he wasn’t all that happy to be called to a stop, but when he turned his head and saw me, his expression warped into a gentlemanly smile.

“Does little sister want me for something?”

Sure enough, this is a society that judges you by your face.

“May I ask where we are right now?” I asked with a sweet smile.

“Where?” The uncle was confused by my question, then he pointed at the many boats anchored in the distance, “isn’t this a port?”

Of course, I knew this is a port, I’m not blind okay? There are so many boats parked here that anyone could tell.

“What I meant to ask, what is the name of this country and city?”

“Obviously, this is the port city of the Luminous Theocracy, the biggest port in the nine nations.” After saying that, the uncle eyed me suspiciously. “If you don’t even know that, are you perhaps a slave that escaped from somewhere?” 

“No way…” I showed off my beautiful foreign dress to him, “have you ever seen a slave dressed so finely?”

“Well, that’s true…” Uncle cupped his chin with a hand and said with an all-knowing look, “it seems that you must be the daughter of some noble that snuck away to see the world.”

“Hehe.” What else can I say? I can only keep smiling.

"Oh, that’s right," the uncle suddenly came to my side and whispered into my ear, "it’s better for you to go back as soon as you can, little girl. This area hasn’t been very safe lately."

“Unsafe? Are there bandits?”

“Nay, I don’t dare to openly call them bandits,” the uncle whispered directly into my ear with a disgusted expression, “there have been rumors of a slaver in the area.”

“Slaver?” I said with big eyes. “Uncle, just a moment ago, you said that you doubted me because you thought I was a slave, are slaves common in this country?”

Obviously, the so-called Luminous Theocracy is not as bright as it makes itself out to be since they practice an evil system like slavery, the goddess they all worship must be innocent and charming but is actually calculating and manipulative.

"Naturally, slavery is banned on the surface, but there are always places in the world where the goddess' teachings do not reach. Some greedy merchants would secretly kidnap lost girls or the children of peasants to be sold as slaves. Moreover, some high officials have been bribed, so this kind of trade continued despite repeated prohibition. Us ordinary people are afraid to speak out despite our frustration and anger."

After saying that, uncle pat my shoulder with his hand that was covered in an unidentified, black substance, "you must be careful, little girl, otherwise your family will be worried if you disappear."

I seamlessly slipped out of Uncle’s grasp, leaving his hand in open air and responded to him with a slight bow, “thank you for reminding me, uncle. I will head on first. Goodbye.”


From there, I turned around and head in the opposite direction as the uncle. I looked around to see the pedestrians with a beaming smile, but exhaustion was apparent on their faces... Sure enough, no matter where you go in the world, the poorest people have the most difficult lives.

“Move aside! Everyone in front of me, move aside!” Shouted someone from behind, accompanied by the sound of the fierce clomping of hooves.

Looking back, I saw that the sound had come from a rushing horse-drawn cart. The goods loaded on the cart were covered by a black cloth.

The cart completely ignored the crowds around it. Some people that couldn’t escape in time could only roll and scramble on the ground, and soon the once lively market became a chaotic mess.

Driving a horse-drawn cart was a big man with a scarred face. When he saw me standing in the middle of the road without moving, he raised the whip in his hand, "Little girl, you best get out of the way quickly or else I won’t be responsible for what happens to you."

At first glance, it was easy to tell that the black scales on the horse's body was nothing short of ordinary, but I have incomparable confidence in my body. If the carriage hits me, I will definitely be fine, and the carriage will definitely be destroyed.

It’s just that I’ve only arrived in the human world and there’s no need to get into trouble, even if scarface is asking for it.

I moved my body slightly to avoid the horse-drawn cart. Even so, it brushed past me without slowing down in the slightest, it was still running in a frenzy.

However… just as the horse-drawn cart run past me, the black cloth was opened slightly, revealing the goods hidden behind.

I saw several girls covered in whip marks.

Those are the so-called slaves the uncle mentioned earlier? Surprisingly, they let this happen in broad daylight...

The Goddess of Light is really such a ⓑⓘⓣⓒⓗ.


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