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Okay, so here's the status update for my plans going forward. The peaceful negotiation regarding The Ancestor of our Sect turned out to be a big failure. The current Demon Sword Maiden translator is bold enough to ask me to raise his pay despite his subpar translations. And the translator of The Ancestor is left homeless. So what are we going to do?

Easy, we drop The Ancestor, we kick the Demon Sword Maiden translator, and we put The Ancestor translator on Demon Sword Maiden duty.

That's the too long didn't read version. For the long version:

In regards to The Ancestor, it was a surprise to all of us, and I can't say I really appreciate the other translator's way of doing things, way too forceful and unethical.  I know some readers do prefer to see Re:Library continue this series, but so as to not besmirch the author's work, we decided to let it go on good note. After we release the remaining batch which I've initially commissioned for, we will drop The Ancestor of our Sect.

As for Demon Sword Maiden, I've actually been thinking of looking for a replacement translator for a while now. I am very particular about translation accuracy and English skills, both of which the current translator lack. I mean, I wouldn't really mind raising the pay if he actually has the skills to back it up. I would actually be more than happy to raise the pay myself even if he didn't ask for it. I've given him a chance because he used to work for webnovel.com, but as expected, webnovel.com translators are subpar at best. Not trying to belittle webnovel.com translators though, I know there are some rare exceptions among the whole.

And I don't know if this is by accident or by fate, these events seemed to line up at just the right time. Now that we have lost The Ancestor of our Sect, we have one free translator, and I just happen to be looking for a more competent translator to replace the current Demon Sword Maiden translator. While it has only been a short time since I worked with the new translator, but he seems keen on improving his skills and is at least more communicative compared to the last. I sincerely believe putting him up on the job will make my life a lot easier in the long run. I sincerely believe! I really do! 

I- it's not like I am having doubts or anything like that, important thing needs to be said three times. 



I think this is a good plan.


O well..the other novel's situation is indeed sad to see but i think all work out well at the end? Looking forward for more good demon sword maiden tl!