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Chapter 68 - Demon Sword Maiden (Part 1)

Just who were these people, they had the guts to intrude the house adjacent to Genji Dojo’s gate. Lady Sakiko wasn’t here but her and the granny. Their target was obviously her. 

“One, two, three… Thirteen people in total. One of them has strong spirit power fluctuation, much stronger than my blue spirit power!”

Lily didn’t react right away. In her own room, she sat down, the katana on her side. She looked calm as if nothing was happening around. Then, she poured herself a cup of green tea. 

She was leisurely watching the beauty of the pond outside her room, enjoying her tea. 

Lily didn’t release her spirit power because she couldn’t confirm whether the others were able to detect the fluctuations of spirit power or not. It would be better for her if the intruders didn’t know she was prepared. 

Lily could feel those people coming but their footsteps were almost inaudible. Lily’s extremely sensitive hearing caught the tiny noises akin to rats running on the ceiling. However, there was no sound made on the corridor, the outside or the inside of this room. 

Who would move in such a discreet manner? It didn’t seem to be samurais. She couldn’t be careless.

After clearing her cup of tea, the rattling noise similar to rats running on the ceiling had reached the area above Lily’s head, which made her anxious. 

Not with her spirit power’s sensing ability but with her women’s senses, she could feel someone gazing at her exposed neck above the collar of her kimono. 

However, she acted as if nothing happened. She poured herself more tea, gently sipping. Inwardly, she was startled that she could still elegantly drink tea under such extremely nervous and tense situation.  The tea was strangely cool as her mind was as calm as water. 

All of a sudden, the hurried squeaking noise burst out from the ceiling. 

"Rumble ——!" Several ceiling tiles fell at the same time. 

Four ninjas jumped, landing around Lily from the broken, dust-rising wooden tiles. 

Lily abruptly grabbed her Seiwa Tamashi. The cup of tea fell free from her hand. 

The four ninjas threw their hands back, attempting to draw the ninja chokuto to slash Lily from the four directions. 

However, one of Lily’s knees had risen. With one knee touching the ground as the axis, she rotated, drawing her Seiwa Tamashi at the same time. 


Her sword drew an arc of the crescent moon!

“Pufffft!!!” The three ninjas got slashed at the same time. The sounds when the Seiwa Tamashi cut through the bodies echoed continuously. 

The three ninjas were killed without a chance to draw their sword! 

The last ninja standing diagonally behind Lily was so bewildered. The situation had been developed beyond his calculation. He couldn’t even draw his sword, which made his ninja sword stuck in its scabbard. 

"Kiaaaaaa——!" The ninja panicked. His eyes turned malicious when he screamed angrily to boost his own courage. Then, he drew his ninja sword, trying his best to gash on Lily.  

In this moment, Lily had already turned around. The last thing the ninja saw was the beautiful, sharp eyes under Lily’s fluttering bangs. 

"Pufff ——!"

Lily turned her sword and slashed. The ninja saw only a flash of sword, then a red hue filled his eyes! Right after that, he couldn’t help but fall aside, falling deep into the darkness… 

The four ninjas from Wind Demon Clan were all killed at the instant they faced Lily. 

"Ninjas!?" After Lily had killed her enemies, she recognized their identity through their dead bodies. “Why ninjas wanted to assassinate me?” 

While thinking, Lily suddenly felt the murderous aura coming from the wooden screens behind her. Being startled, she turned around and slashed her sword. 


Blue light flashed! 

The white surface of the screen cracked. The screen rattled slightly then fell on the ground with a crash. 

Two ninjas in gray suits were exposed behind the screen. They were holding a sword, preparing to stab her. They stood still for a moment before their bodies moved and fell on the ground one after another. 

Lily grabbed the Sakura Parasol, put it on her back and walked through the collapsed screen to come to the adjacent room. 

In this moment, two ninjas from the column of the watchtower in the backyard jumped into Lily’s room. Seeing their teammates’ dead bodies scattered on the ground, they were frightened. 

They saw Lily going to the other room. Thrusting their hands into the waist pocket, they took out two shurikens. 

"Swish! Swish!" They threw the shurikens toward Lily at an extremely fast speed. However, as Lily got Spirit Vision, this speed was in  slow-motion to her. 

As predicted, the spinning shurikens were flying toward her. Lily gently wielded the Seiwa Tamashi in her hand. 

“Clang! Clang!” Fire sparked twice! Just like slashing two flying cups of tea, Lily’s sword sent two shurikens to the column. 

The two ninjas took out their swords, dashing toward Lily. 

Lily suddenly had an idea. She drew the Sakura Parasol from her back, opening the parasol with twirling spirit power. She hurled it toward the other two. 

The Sakura Parasol spun fast, making a curve in the air. Bringing a tornado of spirit power, it flew toward the two ninjas. 

“Boom! Boom!”

The two ninjas were sent to the ground. Then, the Sakura Parasol flew out of the watchtower, making a turn in the night and spinning, returning to Lily’s hand. 

The two ninjas were blacked out. Lily was surprised. Although the Sakura Parasol had lost its power, it still retained its toughness. Lily somehow felt that the paper-like parasol is even tougher than her sword! 

Lily cautiously pushed the door of another room, walking to the corridor. 

From both ends of the corridor, two ninjas stormed out, stopping Lily. 

They were stunned when they saw Lily at first. However, immediately, they threw the shurikens toward Lily. 

Lily’s body swayed and dodged like a butterfly. She dodged all the hidden weapons. One of the shurikens didn’t hit Lily but flew toward the other ninja on the other side, making a cut on his face. 

The four ninjas instantly drew their swords, dashing toward Lily, trying to clamp her. 

It was extremely disadvantaged to Lily as she had to fight in a narrow, long corridor. Although Lily was really strong, she would die if the sword slashed her. And, she could feel clearly that those ninjas were stronger than the previous ones!

When it came to death and life, Lily didn’t want to retain anything. The red spirit power emerged on her body. All of a sudden, she opened the Sakura Parasol, using the parasol to shield the attack from the two ninjas on one side!

As it could cover her during the night parade, how could ordinary ninjas like these break it. With that thought, Lily decided to gamble once. 

At the same time, with the sword in her right hand, she lowered her body slightly and took half a step aside. She then swung the sword cladded in red spirit power with all of her might. 

The two ninjas’ swords also hacked on Lily. 

Single-handedly, Lily’s Penetration Force was around six-hundred kwans, and her sword was three feet and seven inches. The ninjas’ swords weren’t longer than two feet. So, Lily’s sword reached them before their sword could reach her! 

Boom ——! ! !"

A beam of red blood!

The extremely heavy Penetration Force immediate halved the first ninja by his waist, sending his body outside. The second ninja got gashed at his shoulder. The Seiwa Tamashi cut the screen. Both the man and the wall were cut, sending both flying inward. Pieces of the broken screen hit the wall inside the room. As the man banged into the wooden pillar it snapped with a “Squeak”. Blood and flesh scattered! The first ninja was sent to the end of the corridor. He crashed through the wall and out of the room, bumping into the mountain stone in the yard. 

“Puff ---!” He turned into a meat paste from the crash, which was too tragic! 

Lily exhaled “phew!” then retrieved the red parasol.

The other two on the other side were petrified watching the bloody scene. 

They disbelievingly looked at the young girl who was releasing red demon fury. Being scared, they backed off continuously. 

“Mon… Monster!” Shivering, a ninja stammered. 

Lily’s sword had stabbed through the throat of one of the two. 

“Ahh!” The other ninja was so scared he burst out, slashing crazily toward Lily. Lily took one step back to avoid his attack. Taking a horse stance, she raised the sword and slashed! 

“Puff!” A column of blood splashed the white wall. 

Lily shook the blood off her sword. Her sword shivered, but Lily despised those dirty souls. Moreover, it was her bottom line not to take in human souls. 

She walked out of the room to the yard. 

She had finished twelve out of thirteen intruders! 

There was only one left. 

In the yard, the night was so cold. A teenage girl with a pony tail gently stood on the huge stone mountain. The silver crescent moon hovered behind her.  

A sharp wisp of spirit power mingled with the night from the body of Mido Shiu, the ninja from Wind Demon Clan…

Lily hurled the Sakura Parasol upward. The parasol flew aside like a bamboo dragonfly, landing at the corner of the yard. Lily held the sword with both hands. Her cold eyes studied the teenage girl standing on the stone mountain.

“Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?” asked Lily coldly. 

Shiu covered her face, and said, “Hehehe, can’t believe you can kill twelve junior genins of Wind Demon Clan! You’re much stronger than what the intelligence said! You don’t need to know who we are. I’m not the one who wants to kill you. Someone else wants your life.”

“What?” Lily was confused. She said I don’t need to know, but she had just introduced, right? “Who? Who wants to kill me?”

“Hm, our Wind Demon Clan will never disclose the name of our clients! You provoked the Daidouji Dojo. You’re a pathetic idiot. A dying woman doesn’t need to know many things!”

“Er?” Lily was bewildered again, thinking, *You already told me everything I need to know!*

Looking at the female ninja who looked a little odd, Lily was scared. That girl’s aura wasn’t less than Akira of Daidouji Clan. At least, she was as strong as a high-class samurai!

Not long before this, Lily didn’t have the power to resist Akira and she could only run away. If Noboru hadn’t mistaken her with his blood daughter and risked his life to save her, she would have fallen into Akira’s hand. 

Facing such an opponent, Lily didn’t dare to be reckless!



Okay... Lily is just a little bit OP... Just a tiny bit....


Well, it was said they were juniors of some sort. The ninja-gurl seems the be the a airhead. Love it