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Chapter 1 - I Actually Became the Dragon Race’s Princess


We, Akatod Bussjonan Mondeli D. Scarbusla Lincoln Klass Caesar II, are the lord of this empire.

We, who hast enjoyed the highest of glories. Even the sun doth pale in comparison to our radiance, while the moon and stars serve as but tapestries to bring out our greater brilliance.

We, who recline upon the greatest bed in this empire, decorated with all manner of gemstones and jewels. Our bed doth assume the form of an object most sacred, such that mortals dare not even dream of such splendour.  Even our pillow doth contain the primordial essence of this world, a knowledge so sublime that even the greatest scholars, expounding upon the sum total of their sciences, hold nary a candle to its wisdom.

We, who live in a palace that towers over heaven. With tiles made of crystals, palace walls formed of polished diamonds, and ground paved with gold and jade.

We, who wear the most dazzling robes in this world and don a crown with the embedded Goddess’ Tear.

Every time we awaken, the Heaven shall caress our faces with the priceless first ray of sun. And the wind goddess shall bring to us the sweetest scents with the most refreshing of breeze.

When we are fast asleep, everyone will zealously look at us with reverence. When we are awake, they shall dare not to look straight at us under our pressure.

“Look, mommy, that person is sleeping in the cardboard box.”

“Don’t look, let’s go quickly.”

Mine everyday meal is prepared by the most experienced chef in the world. The food he cooks, even with the most common of ingredients, is an explosion of flavors.

“Your breadstick comes to a total of two dollars fifty cents. Hey, there’s fifty cents less.”

“We will give you the remaining fifty cents tomorrow.”

After mine meal, we will always patrol around mine territory. Perhaps they are dazed by mine kingly aura, no one is able to stand straight to look at we within ten meters radius.

“Oh ⓢⓗⓘⓣ, so smelly. Which mother ⓕⓤⓒⓚⓔⓡ hasn’t bathed for a month?”

Mine country gets attacked by magic beasts occasionally. At this time, we will wield the sacred sword, which doubles as the symbol of supreme might, to exterminate the beasts.

“Demon Hound from the Infernal Realm, leave mine territory at once.”

“Woof woof!”

“We see, since thou are so stubborn, then we will personally send thy back to hell.”

“Woof woof woof woof!”

When the sun sets, we would return to mine castle with the trophy.

One day however, we suddenly began to feel empty. After an hour of endless reflection, we hast finally realized. We need women, mine empire needs an empress. 

We are the lord of this empire, yet mine harem is empty. This is such a disgrace.

Thus we began the search for a woman qualified to become mine empress throughout the empire.

We are loved by the gods. In merely three days, we hast found the woman of mine dream.

Black long hair, fair skin, slender build, nice curves, good looks. In all mine life, we hast never seen such a beautiful woman.

However, before we hast the chance to confess to her, the death god’s sickle has already been swung. A mass of steel charged toward her with at least 50 kilos of speed.

We thought over it for 0.5 seconds before we rushed to her rescue without hesitation. If we cannot even save the woman we took a fancy to, what qualifications do we hast to be king.

We, Akabella Dorn Kazick Oliver M. Octavian Bell Chen Duxiu, are the lord of this empire. Even if we are the only person remaining, we will still save my people.

Farewell, mine true love!

Farewell, mine empire!

Farewell, mine empty harem!


In the boundless darkness, silent and formless, there was nothing around and nothing could be felt.

Where… are we?

A beam of light suddenly pierced the darkness. Just like the lighthouse at the shore, it caused people to chase after it involuntarily.

“So blinding, are… we dead?”

“Sis, sis! He’s awake!” A sharp and pleasant voice suddenly reverberated. Her voice sounded just like the cry of a bird.

“Alright, just settle down. I can see it.” Yet another voice reverberated. It was a gentle voice that made people feel welcoming.

We tried our best to open mine eyes, only to find that there’s nothing in front of me.

“Idiot, look above you.” It came from that sharp and pleasant voice.

We raised mine head and found two girls floating above. Their body was covered by fog and it was impossible to make out their facial features.

After we took a quick glance at them and confirmed their position, we lowered mine head and once again looked in front.

“What are you doing?”

We, Ayimira Budra Kashapu Rimon L. Afgadero Wright Schwarzenegger III, are the lord of this empire. We will never look at someone standing above us.” This was mine unconditional bottom line.


“...Alright, fine. We’ll just descend.”

The two slowly landed and the fog also dispersed, revealing their true face.

“Beautiful young ladies, will thou accept mine love and become mine empresses. When the time comes, thine shall become the mistresses of mine empire.”

As soon as we laid mine eyes on them, we got down on one knee and began mine proposal. Even we had never seen women as beautiful as them before.

What? We said that before? Sorry, we had already forgotten the last one’s appearance.

“Sis, he’s getting on my nerves.”

“Endure it, it was our fault that he became like this.”

“No, you girls are faultless. If being beautiful is a fault, then the Heaven would hast punished thou long ago.”

“Although I am very happy about your words of praise, I still cannot accept your proposal.”

“Is that so? Is it because mine territory is too small and is already incapable of moving thou? But don’t worry, once we return, we shall run a campaign to conquer the whole world. We will come back to receive the thou once mine territory has expanded.”

“Umm… but you are already dead.”

“...We… are really dead?” Since a while ago, we felt something very unnatural with mine body. It was much too light. As it turned out, we had already turned into a ghost.

“Then where is this place? Who are thou? And why are we here? Aren’t we supposed to return to mine empire? As a king, we should be protecting mine territory even in dead.”

“Alright already, isn’t your territory just a gar---”



The one with soothing voice said, “Nice to meet you Mr. Kaoru. We are goddesses, and this is the space between two worlds.

“Please call us Acapella Madeleus Carbero Richard Z. Robert Scarbusla Roosevelt IV. This is the family name of mine empire, it absolutely cannot be changed.”

“Then can you please repeat the family name of your empire again?” Blue veins popped up on the forehead of that person. Could it be that goddesses were also under a lot of stress?

“That cannot be done, because we hast already forgotten mine former titles.”

"Why you... Okay... Just relax, take a deep breath... Actually~ We called your majesty here for a very important matter.”

“I give thou permission to speak.”

“......Actually, you are not supposed to be born as a beggar, but the princess of the dragon race instead.”

“Dragon race? Princess?”

“That’s right. Precisely the dragon race in the men’s romance. And a high and mighty princess no less. The reason you are that chunni is due to this.”

“Then thee…”

“That’s right, we plan to set things right and reincarnate you as the dragon race’s princess.”

“That’s right, that’s right. The egg has already been laid for over twenty years, it’s about time you hatched.”

“Shut up! We are a bonafide man, the ruler of a nation! How can we become a princess?!” Become a dragon? Fine! But a princess? Absolutely not! How can we start a harem if we become a girl!

“...” (Fist pump) “Hehe, do you think you have any leeway to resist? Anyway, let us give you another gift.”

“Law Fabrication,” The goddess pointed at us.

“What did thou…”

“Boom!” A lightning dropped from the sky and hit us directly...

“Boom!” And yet another lightning, we...

“Boom!” we...

“Boom!” ...

“Heh-heh-heh, this goddess has specially created a new law just for you. As long as you continue to act like a chuunibyou, you will be hit by lightning.”

“It’s just a mere lightning, we…”


“Furthermore, you cannot say we, thou, or anything archaic-like. You also can’t even think about it.”

“How did we…”


Three seconds later.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong,” I kowtowed and begged for forgiveness.

What? I am gutless? I am only patiently lying in wait for a chance to get my revenge. I will endure the humiliation for now, but one day, I will get back everything that belonged to us!


“I’m really sorry!”

“At least you are attentive, I’ll give you that much credit. It’s quite late already, you should be on your way. Just let me alter your soul first,” big sister goddess waved her delicate hands.


So painful!

The pain penetrates deeply into the bone!

This pain is incomparable to the times I was crushed by the truck.

It feels like my soul is being torn apart. I could barely maintain my consciousness.

“Just bear with it for a while, okay? Reconstructing the soul is not a simple task. I am actually very nervous myself.”

After an unknown length of time, big sister goddess finally heaved a sigh of relief, “Phew… It’s done, allow me to send you on your way now.”

I felt my consciousness getting more fuzzy, but before I completely blacked out, I think I heard a frantic voice.

“Hey! Sis, you only changed him into a girl, you forgot to convert it into a dragon soul.”

“... I forgot… Well, it shouldn’t be a big problem, the only issue is that she cannot transform into a huge dragon.”

Of course it’s a big problem! Transforming into a dragon is but a man’s… romance...


Darkness… again with the unbounded darkness...

However, the darkness this time was very warm, just like the mother’s embrace.

Where is this?

After pondering for a few seconds and linking all the past events till now, I have come to a conclusion. I, Akatod… Tadashi Kaoru, had reincarnated as the dragon race’s princess and still hadn’t hatched from the egg.

Since I had already regained consciousness, it would mean that I have fulfilled the condition to be hatched. However, how do I get out from here?

I tried stretching my arms, but found my arms were as frail as that of a newborn baby’s. Even after exerting so much effort, they only swayed a little.

“W-what… The egg moved, the egg was moving! It is about to be hatched! Go inform the queen quickly! The egg is going to hatch!”

After that the surrounding turned boisterous. There were weeping sound, big laughter, and the flapping of wings.

“Quiet!” Then came the dignified voice of a woman.

“My child, are you finally ready to come out? It’s been twenty long years, did you know how torturous it was to wait for you to watch all this time? Quick, transmit this order to all the dragon race; regardless of what they are doing, I want them to drop it and return immediately. I am going to hold a birth festival for my child!”


Is that my mother? She seems very powerful. Quick, help me smash the eggshell, then I will be able to come out.

“My queen, you shouldn’t get too close. The shell break is a very important event for our dragon race, there must be absolutely no interference from an external force.”

“Right, of course. All of you move back for a hundred meter. Set up a sacred-level barrier and destroy anything the dares to get within a hundred meter. Not a single soul will be permitted to disturb the hatching of my child.”

“My child, please don’t blame your mother for being heartless. Our dragon race must rely on ourselves to break out of the shell. You have to know that your claws will tear the earth asunder and your wings shall conquer the sky in the future.”

“Quick, my queen, you should also quickly distance yourself a little.”

...Ⓢⓗⓘⓣ! Where am I supposed to find a pair of claws or wings! Those two dunce of a goddess had turned me into a normal girl alright?!

Will I become the dragon that gets choked to death by my own egg?

No way! That’s too embarrassing! I must think of something, otherwise I’ll… that’s right! There is still that method! Although I’m not sure if it will work, but I still have to try!

I took a deep breath and said inwardly, “Our true name is Osbright Kamen Mengqi D. Lelouch · Black Flag · Mondo the Fifth!”




okay that was funny and looks like it has a lot of potential


Glorious! But not being able to turn into a dragon is a minus. What's the point of being a dragon princess if you cant become a dragon. That being said: Praise the (dragon) princess


Yes! I was hoping someone would pick up this series! Not only did some one pick it up, but my favorite translator picked it up!